

Shechaim's Lists


We are the last of the royal family

Please be advised we have nothing to do with a casino

we never have, nor will we, it is against our belief,

of  our ancestors and Creator (Kiehtan).

Shechaim Ohjieshan (Vulpsune) Tallfox my Grandfather,

turned his back and this tribe from any type of gambling

and called it stealing from the people.

We are sorry to read that many people are having problems

with this new group calling its self a Mohegan Nation,

a casino Indian group.

However, we must ask you to please write to their website

for your information about them?

Yes, this tribe The Mohiigans (Maïngan – Yáw – meaning Wolf-People),

Has been around a very long time and started when our first leader, Shechaim Ohjieshan Unkas, turned his back on his ‘War Monger Cousin’

A few years before they were completely destroyed in wars!

And settles in Uncasvillage.

(Taw-but-ni) Thank-you.

We are the Storey Clan, descendants of the Mohiigan an Algonquin Speaking American Native people of Turtle Island and Uncas (Unkas), the first Shechaim of the Mohiigan's.

As Shechaim Uncas changed the name from Pequot back to Mohiigan and the Early European settlers again misspelled it to become ‘Mohegan’.

The Algonquin speaking people were the largest group of American Native or indigenous peoples along the Eastern coast of what is today known as the United States.

We are also descendants of Samson Occum an American native preacher and an ancestor of both Mary Tracy Fielding Storey and Bright Star, Alice Storey.

Our home land is in Uncasvillage and is now called Uncasville, Connecticut, named for Shechaim Uncas, the first Shechaim of the Mohiigan people. We the Storey clan honor and follow our Creator (Kiehtan), the Great Spirit, Father Sky and Mother Earth.

Because we now represent many nations and people we choose to be known as the

Turtle Island Storey Clan.

Great Grandmother - Bright Star Alice Storey - Pequot/Mohegan Ancestor

Grandmother - Elder - Pretty Wild Flower Laura Brown Pequot/Mohegan

Shechaim Tall Fox - William James Storey - Pequot/Mohegan.

Shechaim Ziek son of Shechaim Tallfox, father of Shechaim Walkingfox Pequot/Mohegan

Shechaim Walkingfox - William Charles Storey, Sr. -Irish/Pequot/ Mohegan.

Chief Rolling Thunder - Russell Smith - Penobscot

A Penobscot/Mohegan Leader.

Grandmother - Elder -Happy Women Mary Smith - Penobscot/Pequot/Irish.

Warrior Running Crow - Bill Jr. - Pequot/Mohegan Bill Jr the son of Walkingfox until lost in a car accident some years ago!

Clan Mother Donna Jones ( is Irish/Shawnee (Objiasan Tah).

Chief Thunder Wolf ( Al Wolf) Mohegan

Chief Jen Mohegan daughter of Chief Thunder Wolf

Chief Thunder Wolf is with Creator now

Bright Star, Alice Storey. Our first Matriarch ancestor, Alice Storey known as Bright Star because as a child she loved going outside to look at the stars.

When I was very young, my grandfather Shechaim Tall Fox, At the time the Shechaim of a group of Pequot/Mohegan people in the area for many years, and held his meetings at this small church near the Pequot river and also held meetings in our home.

My Pequot/Irish mother Catherine is a descendent of Laura Brown and William Brown.

Elisabeth Kelley Pequot/Irish Grandmother

Nettie Smith Penobscot/Pequot, Nettie named by Alice Storey, because she loved to fish using a net.

I can remember Uncle Russ enjoying many days & nights, warm or cold, swimming in my pool while he talked about the old days and his visits back to the Penobscot Reservation with the Matriarch Clan mother Nettie Smith & her ancestors on the Pequot nation side.

Chief Homer St. Francis of the St. Francis Sokoki Band of the Abenaki at Missisquoi was a good friend of grandfather (Shechaim Tallfox) and my father (Shechaim Zeak) and a real true teaching Mentor American Natives Elder for me and so many others while we were growing up in Uncasvillage!

Shechaim Three Bears of the Seekonk Wampanoag tribe at one of our many gatherings in Massachusetts, Bear is an elder, a friend and a mentor to Shechaim Walkingfox and one of our elders.

Grandfather Chief Chuck Finch of the Passamaquoddy tribe at one of our many gatherings in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.

Shechaim Rolling Thunder (Russell Smith) Penobscot/Pequot Uncle to Walkingfox his mother is the daughter of Charley and a descendent of Bill Brown.

Elder Clan Mother, now with Creator, Firewomen of the Wampanoag tribe.

Another of our elders and very good friend of Shechaim Tallfox, Shechaim Zeak and Shechaim Walkingfox is Chief Silver Wolf of the Seekonk Wampanoag tribe.

Generations drummer’s warrior Renato. Renato is a true friend to Donna & Walkingfox.

These are two of the sites with some of our loving Memories of past trips around Indian Country. You will meet some good people.

It has come to our attention that people wish to profit from our writings?

Donna,( trained 8 years in college about indigenous people and has been working closely with our attorneys making sure that the rights to write and any/all would be income gets to our indigenous people.

One is always allowed to enjoy the writings, re-blog with credit, writing to profit is a direct insult to our ancestors.

Copyright © 1982-2019- Shechaim Ohjieshan (Walkingfox) 
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