
Traditional Native Americans and Organized Religion?

This may seem like a strange place to write this however, maybe not!

Another self proclaimed Evangelical Pastor, (Rob Bell) is on the internet teaching false doctrines, so what's new?


The you tube vidio has been removed?


Throughout the years I have heard many of our so called evangelists preach one thing and actually doing something far different behind closed doors so, I will not get into this
on this bog. If you question this then I will!

First thing Rob Bell, When Jesus Christ walked with the people, heaven was with them.

Jesus did not say that heaven was here of earth!

One of my many questions to you Rob Bell is "What did Jesus Christ mean when he said,

In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have
told you that I go to prepare a place for you? -- John 14:2

(John 19:30) When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

Each of these self proclaimed  home grown prophets change a word here in the bible and tweak a line there in the bible and Gods word becomes their words!

Unfortunately most Religious people never know that this is now a bible of false preaching.

American Indians and organized religion

I love Mahatma Gandhi and his teaching however, I am no expert in the Indians of India and their religious beliefs.

The question that I can answer is, American Natives and organized religion.

There is no organized  religion in our traditional beliefs, there is only love and obedience ot our Creator.

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