
Clan Mother/Adoption into a tribe.

Another question of the day was about adopting into an American Native tribe.
This is now a tricky subject since the government, in their infinite supreme wisdom, made it possible to build and join an Indian casino tribe.
Back before first contact things were a lot less complicated.
Now, if you want to become a member of a tribe solely to reap the rewards from a casino, you need to find the blood trail, and then you need the permission of the conquering nation, your government, and the casino Indians.
If you wish to join a tribe that this government refuses to recognize, many of them have adopting ceremonies, most of them are still traditional.
However, the only thing that I can remember about adoption into my people since the 1940's is through a 13 moon ceremony.
A 13 moon ceremony has nothing to do with a women's moon ceremony, or a Jewish New Moon Ceremony, or anything dealing with Witches.
It was called that because it is a ceremony for woman becoming full blood members, or becoming a Matriarch tribal leader.
At the end of this ceremony one would be a full blood tribal leader of that tribe thus improving and keeping the tribe alive.
These Matriarch leaders are then responsible for the adoption of males into the tribe.
Tribal 13 moon ceremony.
13 Moon Ceremony to become a tribal Grandmother is a sacred ceremony
for Eastern woodland American native tribes to strengthen
and insure their royal families.
Eastern Woodland American Native tribe (Clan) is defined as a group of people usually related by family ties, and under the leadership of a matriarch the Clan is based on a matrilineal system.
They have tribal Grandmothers and Grandfathers, (13 mood ceremony)
as well as Clan Mothers and Clan Fathers.
The Clan Grandmother is the keeper of the sacred medicine bundle
from which the Clan derives its right of existence in most
traditional Native American Clans, and who, in conjunction
with the Sachem Chief, generally has the authority to set policy for
the Clan as a whole.
The Clan Grandfather carries the Clan name and who, in conjunction
with the Tribal clan father, is generally responsible for ensuring
that the policies established by the Clan Grandmother are implemented
at the well of the Sachem.
A person can also be adopted into a clan (The 13 moon ceremony).
Clan adoption is an almost universally accepted means of admitting
outsiders and helps in the preservation of the tribe.
The word clan comes from the time of the Vikings trade visit
and family mixings long before Christopher Columbus came to our shores,
the Europeans also have clans.
A 13 moon ceremony shows that a person cannot hand out names to non American natives for a price as is being done extremely often nowadays in native Indian country, by phony medicine men!
Of course the government BIA does not recognize this or any other ceremony from our ancestors so you must be the judge!
Many ask, "Why should it take time to be adopted into our tribe?"
We will answer your question with a question.
"Do you really wish to be a full blood member of the people?"
Because you do not have the royal blood line or perhaps do not have the ancestors blood line of any of our people one should understand that you must start from the beginning, learn everything about the family, were it came from, how did get to where it is now, were is it going in the future, and how does one actually get the blood?
All of these questions will be answered and must be excepted before the ceremony.
What can a tribe do if government refuses to recognize their tribe?
Nothing or Unite!
If the European American government tells a Native American tribe that they cannot be recognized as a tribe, that tribe needs to unite together, elect your people to an office each election in one village, town, city, county and state at a time!
Then you get to make the rules!
This now depends on you!
Are you looking for information about being adopted into a Casino Indian government run group of people, now jokingly referred to as Indians, or are you looking to be adopted into a real traditional American Native tribe?

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