
Respect your elders?

The first thing to remember, while reading the papers, listen to the radio, going to the movies or watch Television is the disregard for elders by many of our young day!

One big reason started slowly long, long ago when generation's first stopped respecting our elders and we the elders allowed this to happen!

So, what to do about this?

Native Americans honor your elders at celebrations.

What a great idea, Respect our elders?

When you hear or read about an elder saying that we must get back to the old ways, they are not asking you to do away with anything, just learn how they lived before this extremely fast moving lifestyle.

Start today, stop, sit and listen to an elder speak about life as they were growing up around their elders.

Let us remember all of our elders, native and non natives if not for elders we would not be here.

If not for the teaching of our elders, we would still be hiding in trees from our predator.

Native Americans to honor elders at celebration
The Elders dance at Hecker Pass in Santa Clara County on the 26th Celebration.
What a great idea, Respect our elders?
Let us remember all of our elders, native and non natives, this and every weekend for the rest of the year.

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just click on the comment just below this blog,
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