
Armed agents desecrate sacred fire on San Francisco Peaks

Is This Ignorance Or Malice, You Decide

Recently there have been two places of Native American Cultural significance,

or to us, Sacred Places, that have been abused by Non Native people,

representing the U.S. Forest Service.

One was in the Deep South, in Georgia, the other in the Far West, in California.

The thing that these two events have in common, is a seemingly complete lack of respect

or awareness, of just how important these places were and are to Native People.

I have personally seen this kind of shameful lack of respect for our Sacred Places,

while attending a Celebration Event at the Natchez Sacred Mounds in Louisiana.

For longer that I care to remember, I watched in total shock while people,

who did not appear to be Natives, both adults and children, played a game

of football on the top of the Sacred Mounds.

No one in the area who saw this happen, seemed to find anything wrong with this

and this is a memory that I cannot ever forget.

Standing together has never been one of our strengths, but if we as a People, as a race,

do not join hands across this country, these Sacred Places, as well as our very being,

may soon become like the dust blowing in the wind.

If you are able, please write, call, blog, do something, do anything, just get involved,

but please, please, do not ignore these things.

It is never going to stop unless and until, we as a People stop it.

My ancestors, your ancestors, are watching and waiting for us to unite and

once again become the strong, proud, First People of this Country.

We cannot remain silent anymore.

Forest Service desecrates sacred fire on San Francisco Peaks, after similar abuse of Winnemem Wintu ceremony in California!

My heart and prayers go out to California and the San Francisco Peaks 13 area Native American Nations, including Navajos, Havasupai, Hualapai, Hopi and Pueblos because of their culture, ceremonies and problems between them and Arizona, U.S. Forest Service officials.

We in the east also speak on behalf of Mother Earth the four legged/those that swim/those that crawl/those that fly/those that burrow in the Earth/the plant and tree Nations ( with the permission of Creator).

As one of those East Coast Spiritual People I can only speak from our ceremonies and culture.

Creator gave us tobacco herbs (Kinnick, Kinnick) for times just like this when drought makes for uncontrolled fires.

I offer prayers as when teaching in jails, prisons and any place were fire is impossible yet prayer is needed and also between Sacred Fires with Sacred Ceremonies.


We also have many closed minded federal agents not concerned with facts, Federal agencies using terms like federally recognized and federally unrecognized, just what does that mean? No one really knows, it is just words!

This has always been their way of dividing the Indigenous Peoples.

We are also united under the Creator’s Law with you as United Indigenous Nations, to protect and extend Life for all future generations no matter the color of the skin!

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