
The Roman Catholic Religion

If the Pope truly believes that the Canonizing is the right thing to do, why not do this in one of the Missions in California?
Why Washington?
The Roman Catholic Religion
Déjà vu///Karma
If the Spiritual leader of the largest Spiritual beliefs in the world can keep (ignoring)

one of the now smallest Spiritual beliefs in the world)

Native Americans.

Shouldn't it be OK to ask a few questions about his Spiritual beliefs?

Let's start with,

What if I invited all of my faithful followers and all of the 'native' followers in Rome to meet me in Vatican City
for a Native American Adoption Ceremony in the Sistine Chapel and make them Saints of our people?

Would Pope Francis and his Catholics followers be OK with this?

If so, will my friends and followers get your coast and flying shoes on!

Stop this 'rude-madness and spend a little time by, texting, emails, phone or media, something, anything, face to face would work fine and lets hash things out?

Remember, the pope's remembrance of Rosh Hashanah the Jews New Year and the kindness to the Muslim people and as well he should?

And yet he and his followers are 'hell bent on rudely" stepping on the Native American Ancestors by making a saint out of a shrine builder?

If this does go through they we all should do a little investigating on the Roman Catholic Church?

We all know who the leader of the Christian Religion (Church) is or should be,

(The Trinity)!

What the question now should be is,

"Who was the first leader (Pope if you well) of the Roman Catholic Religion


The Roman Emperor St. Constantine (1) the Great.

The Christian church that Constantine promoted was a mixture of true Christianity and Roman paganism.

In the New Testament,

there is no mention of the papacy,

God is the only leader?

worship/adoration of Mary (or the immaculate conception of Mary,

the perpetual virginity of Mary,

the assumption of Mary, or Mary as co-redemptrix and mediatrix).

"Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ under orders from father 'God' is the way, the truth and the light!"

"Mary, no longer a virgin wife of Joseph with many children, is not the Mother of God!"

Petitioning saints in heaven for their prayers?

"All prayers should go to God and blessings come from God."

apostolic succession,

the ordinances of the church functioning as sacraments,

infant baptism,

confession of sin to a priest?

"Confessions(prayer) to your God."



the equal authority of church tradition and Scripture.

"The bible, the Christian word from God, is the only Authority over all creation!"

Question: "What is the origin of the Catholic Church?"

The Roman Catholic Church contends that its origin is the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ in approximately AD 30. The Catholic Church proclaims itself to be the church that Jesus Christ died for, the church that was established and built by the apostles. Is that the true origin of the Catholic Church?

On the contrary. Even a cursory reading of the New Testament will reveal that the Catholic Church does not have its origin in the teachings of Jesus or His apostles.

In the New Testament, there is no mention of the papacy, worship/adoration of Mary (or the immaculate conception of Mary, the perpetual virginity of Mary, the assumption of Mary, or Mary as co-redemptrix and mediatrix), petitioning saints in heaven for their prayers, apostolic succession, the ordinances of the church functioning as sacraments, infant baptism, confession of sin to a priest, purgatory, indulgences, or the equal authority of church tradition and Scripture.

So, if the origin of the Catholic Church is not in the teachings of Jesus and His apostles, as recorded in the New Testament, what is the true origin of the Catholic Church?

For the first 280 years of Christian history, Christianity was banned by the Roman Empire, and Christians were terribly persecuted.

This changed after the “conversion” of the Roman Emperor Constantine.

Constantine provided religious toleration with the Edict of Milan in AD 313, effectively lifting the ban on Christianity.

Later, in AD 325, Constantine called the Council of Nicea in an attempt to unify Christianity.

Constantine envisioned Christianity as a religion that could unite the Roman Empire, which at that time was beginning to fragment and divide.

While this may have seemed to be a positive development for the Christian church, the results were anything but positive.

Just as Constantine refused to fully embrace the Christian faith, but continued many of his pagan beliefs and practices, so the Christian church that Constantine promoted was a mixture of true Christianity and Roman paganism.

Constantine found that, with the Roman Empire being so vast, expansive, and diverse, not everyone would agree to forsake his or her religious beliefs to embrace Christianity. So, Constantine allowed, and even promoted, the “Christianization” of pagan beliefs. Completely pagan and utterly unbiblical beliefs were given new “Christian” identities. Some clear examples of this are as follows:

(1) The Cult of Isis, an Egyptian mother-goddess religion, was absorbed into Christianity by replacing Isis with Mary. Many of the titles that were used for Isis, such as “Queen of Heaven,” “Mother of God,” and theotokos (“God-bearer”) were attached to Mary. Mary was given an exalted role in the Christian faith, far beyond what the Bible ascribes to her, in order to attract Isis worshippers to a faith they would not otherwise embrace. Many temples to Isis were, in fact, converted into temples dedicated to Mary. The first clear hints of Catholic Mariology occur in the writings of Origen, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, which happened to be the focal point of Isis worship.

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