
Melting pot known as the United States of America.

In America, We All Should Count, BUT DO WE?
Melting pot known as the United States of America.
First came the food source 
(plants, animals), 
then came the hunter/gathers 
(Indian Country/Native American Country), 
then I believe, 
the 'Bully countries'
(one political party systems),
Dutch, Spanish, French, British, and the Euro-American country!
This country is now on the 
'Fast Track, 
 to those bully countries'!
Can you imagine living in a

'One Party System of Government
once again'?
' And knowing that you' are not one of the
(so called élite)?
Think countries like Russia, 
so many countries in Africa?

welcome to their world America because it is coming!
2020 Census: We will be counted

If we don’t get the 2020 Census right, vulnerable communities will lose access to vital resources and representation in government. That means it’s up to our representatives to sufficiently budget for next year’s count -- and make sure a dangerous question on citizenship is kept off of the survey.
Donald Trump and his administration are determined to undermine and politicize the 2020 Census with a dangerous question on citizenship status.

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