
Money is like Cancer

If left untreated it can cause some humans to go stupid!
Take, for instance,
“Throw enough money at some scientist 
and they can get stupid”.
People believe that, somehow the chemicals in Vaping,
like for instance, nicotine, are harmless to humans.
chemicals, like nicotine in cigarettes, are killing humans?
Late night drinking,
hit and runs, murder after dark, women abuse from drunks, robberies,
are not connected!
"Humans are not the main cause 
of the loss of another Glacier"!
Every time voting citizens of America 
ask questions like,
“When will we rebuild our
 ‘infrastructure’ in this country”?
Government officials hire 
their chosen people, to do a study on the subject,
‘At the taxpaying public’s expense’!
(1, A) 
E-Cigarettes are harming humans!
The key difference between traditional cigarettes
is that e-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco.  
it isn’t just the tobacco in cigarettes that causes cancer.
Traditional cigarettes contain a laundry list of chemicals 
that are proven harmful,
e-cigarettes have some of these same chemicals.
They do have many chemicals!
Late night ‘Drunk’!
are more likely to be on the road at night.
Nighttime drivers need to be vigilant and on the look-out 
for these major auto accident causers.
is another added danger on the 
roadways at night as people are
generally winding down their days and growing sleepy
Drivers that fall asleep at the wheel, 
or even ones that are dazed and unobservant, 
can cause fatal car accidents.  
Remember when drinking was shut down by 8PM?
Glaciers are quickly dying!
Now you see it, now you don’t
Potholes in and on our infrastructure!
Every government official in our towns, cities, states and our federal government,
hire their (questionable professionals)
to do a test?
Before the late 1980s
our governments cared more for
 'We the People'
'Money in their Pockets'!
Lets dump the 
'scum polluting our governments' 
and get back to
"America for the People"!

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