
“Yes, absolutely,”

That two-word quote, “Yes, absolutely,” has been featured in trump ads to falsely suggest that Biden supports defunding the police, but Biden’s published plans and public statements demonstrate that he does, in fact, support increased funding for police.
Watch the clip above via ABC15.
“If you look at the president’s budget, this is a real wake up call, look at his budget, he calls for cutting local funding for police nationally, now, in his budget, by almost a half a billion dollars, I think it’s $447 million,” 
Biden said.
He went on to list, at length, several policies that he supports, and told Irvin that
“The vast majority of police are overwhelmingly decent and honorable people. And most of them are embarrassed and absolutely outraged by some of the actions taken place like you saw with the Floyd family.”
Anyone can splice and patch everyone’s speech to make it a false statement, even your president!
“If his lips are moving he is lying” as stated all over the internet!
“Yes, absolutely,” Biden responded.
That two-word quote, “Yes, absolutely,” has been featured in trump ads to falsely suggest that Biden supports defunding the police, but Biden’s published plans and public statements demonstrate that he does, in fact, support increased funding for police.
Watch the clip above via ABC15.
trump TV Ads Claiming Biden Wants to Defund Police are Lies
Wall Street Rebel | James DiGeorgia 07/19/2020
Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan

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