
The people of the northeastern part of native land


Do you need reasons why I push history and learning?

By the first reported contact of Euro-American People, there were well over 100,000 people already on this land and here for at least 1500 years.

Soon after and because of broken treaties, European-American forced laws, wars, forced removing of our people off our land, assimilation and disease, our people became close to extinction


 One of thousands of facts

 not readily reported 

in your history books.

However my friends,

I am proof that we are still here!

We did not get the time to become 

‘Hollywood movie Indians’ 

able to fascinate the modern world,

 because our ancestors 

were far too busy just trying to survive!

This is just one reason why I keep saying


Most of our people were ‘hunter and gatherer’s (planting food and/or hunting for it).

Our ancestors shifted dwellings several times year because of the weather and the need for food. We did not have the weapons, numbers or the firepower to war with the constant invasion of Europeans to our land!

And the latest slap in the face

 was the corrupt governments

 treaty with the

 ‘government controlled Indians’

 in the land.

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