
Traditional Native Americans and Organized Religion?

This may seem like a strange place to write this however, maybe not!

Another self proclaimed Evangelical Pastor, (Rob Bell) is on the internet teaching false doctrines, so what's new?


The you tube vidio has been removed?


Throughout the years I have heard many of our so called evangelists preach one thing and actually doing something far different behind closed doors so, I will not get into this
on this bog. If you question this then I will!

First thing Rob Bell, When Jesus Christ walked with the people, heaven was with them.

Jesus did not say that heaven was here of earth!

One of my many questions to you Rob Bell is "What did Jesus Christ mean when he said,

In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have
told you that I go to prepare a place for you? -- John 14:2

(John 19:30) When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

Each of these self proclaimed  home grown prophets change a word here in the bible and tweak a line there in the bible and Gods word becomes their words!

Unfortunately most Religious people never know that this is now a bible of false preaching.

American Indians and organized religion

I love Mahatma Gandhi and his teaching however, I am no expert in the Indians of India and their religious beliefs.

The question that I can answer is, American Natives and organized religion.

There is no organized  religion in our traditional beliefs, there is only love and obedience ot our Creator.



What is an American native pawpaus?

Back before first contact before the Europeans made it necessary for the people to change the gatherings American native people held, gatherings call a Paw-paus.

Soon after first contact because the Europeans were starting to get extremely pushy at wanting into this very spiritual event and long before the plains Indians called their enemy by the name White eyes the Sachem’s of the New England tribes came together to find a fast safe way out of this situation. Long before this first contact our ancestors knew of an evil Shaman warlock that practice

Shamanism, this Shaman warlock whose name was called powwow was an extremely evil witch.
The Sachem’s of these true American native people placed the problem in the hands of their clan mothers, after many debates about the problem the clan mothers came up with the name powwow and a great explanation as to why it should be used.
It would seem that our invaders from across the waters acted very much like this Sharman so why not start having an event like our paw-paus and invite them all?

The problem in this day that was unforeseen by our ancestor is that now many of these powwows are infested with shamans, witches and warlocks, some ever running it!
This would be a very good reason to explain why no American native advertises when and where we are holding our Paw-paus.

If you have a question or comment
just click on the comment just below this blog,
Sachem will be pleased to get back to you.


A People's History Of Florida

A People's History Of Florida 1513-1876: How Africans, Seminoles, Women, And Lower Class Whites Shaped The Sunshine State

 The text is divided into thirteen chapters opening with the dismantling of the mythological origins of Florida as put forth through the legend of Ponce de Leon and his search for the fountain of youth, and concludes with the end of reconstruction and the return of legitimized white supremacy in Florida


Guru's trial over Arizona sweat lodge deaths starts

This is just one of many reasons why true Traditional American Native Elders keep our extremely sacred ceremony's a secret!

One thing would be that you must be a native elder with the knowledge.

Next at no time should a sacred ceremony have anything to do with war!
Every sacred ceremony is for cleaning, clearing of the mind and communion with Creator.

If one gets involved with something that is none of their business, one gets what one deserves!


Asking ourselves this question

Native American groups sue to stop solar projects
Native American's need to be asking ourselves this question and ask it often!
Why are most of us still living in 3rd world poverty?
Most of us are still fighting a war that we lost before the civil war.
We need to get over it and think about our children and their children's children for a change.
The alternative age is here and most of our reservations can greatly benefit from this form of energy.
I also have an extremely sacred place for prayer and meditation and would not want to see it disturbed however, I also know that this newer life style could work for my people without disturbing my ancestor, this is a win situation for us all.


Speaking for my ancestor, do you think that if Uncas, our great Sachem Chief, learned about this newer way of life that he would turn his back on it knowing how good it would be for the people?