





One more of Shechaim’s quizzes so don’t create!


You might or might not be one of the many followers of the Rookie as is this home if not why not?


I have this mind-block while watching a movie and see an actor I believe that I know and just cannot place.

99% of 99 present of the time my ‘sweetie’ can tell me within seconds until last night!

This is what happened last night while watching the Rookie!

News about The Rookie Season 4 Episode 1


Two split seconds twice Max showed up as the Spy that got the escaped helicopter.


I was up most of the night so this morning I went hunting on the internet!


Turns out that he was my first thought and I did not believe myself!


Joshua Malina (President Siebert) on the Big Bang

Joshua Malina is a traffic actor and the following post should show you and me?


 Joshua Malina is a traffic actor and the following post should show you and me?


joshua Charles Malina is an American film and stage actor known for playing Will Bailey on the NBC drama The West Wing, Jeremy Goodwin on Sports Night, David Rosen on Scandal, and President Siebert on The Big Bang Theory.

Joshua Malina - Biography - IMDb


A silent crisis for missing Indigenous women


There is little that strikes like a well aimed arrow at the heart of this old retired warrior from ( A matriarchal society), 

is the massive, for the most part,

unreported abuse of ‘Native American Women’!


Matriarch | Shechaim's News of the Day (wordpress.com)


The Shawnee love of my life

and I are 

now retired 

and no longer able to travel

to our beloved indigenous people and their gathering; we have seen and heard of far too much of the unreported abuse of and this countries lack of caring of our friends and family all over the land of our forefathers!


I pray to Creator for a blessings and protection of the first president of this

United States that 

actually cares for all Americans 

no matter the race or color 

of the skin in

 President Biden!


Shawnee - Wikipedia


The disappearance of Mary Johnson highlights a silent crisis for missing Indigenous women

Sep 23, 2021


The disappearance of Mary Johnson highlights a silent crisis for missing Indigenous women (wesh.com)


In the months before Mary Johnson disappeared, her sister said she wasn't herself. The last time anyone said they saw Mary Johnson — also known as Mary Davis — was on Nov. 25, 2020. Johnson, an enrolled citizen of the Tulalip Tribes and then 39 years old, was walking on a road in Western Washington, en route to the house of some friends in a nearby town. She never made it there. It's been nearly 10 months since Johnson was 


reported missing.


Images of Mary Johnson Indigenous missing women


Were they guilty or were they framed?


Sirhan Sirhan was seen murdering a sure to be president of the United States!


Leonard Peltier was the last person interviewed for the killing of two FBI Agents?


Sirhan Sirhan a Palestinian was found guilty of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy a United States Senator on June 5, 1968.


President Biden Free Leonard Peltier?


Leonard Peltier was the last person interviewed in 1977 for the killing of two FBI Agents in a gun battle and the only chance of arresting someone!


If this country is going to free a known murder of a U.S. Senator soon to be the president, why not also free a known to be framed person also?


Can justice really be served?


After all one is a terrorist from outside of this country, the other in an American Citizen and from a tribe of the first people of our land!


He Killed Two FBI Agents. Or He Was Framed.

After 44 Years, Free Leonard Peltier?

He Killed Two FBI Agents. Or He Was Framed. After 40 Years, Will Obama Free Leonard Peltier? – Mother Jones


President Biden Free Leonard Peltier?


Florida Fauna & Flora – Black Bear

 Florida Fauna & Flora – Black Bear

JULY 01, 2021



Florida Fauna & Flora – Florida Black Bear


The largest land mammal in Florida and the only bear found in the state is the black bear. Males weigh 250 to 450 pounds, while females weigh 125 to 250 pounds. Females give birth to 1 to 5 cubs that are born blind and weigh only 8 to 15 ounces.


Black bears are a Florida conservation success. Florida’s bear population dropped to under 500 in the 1970s. In 1974, they were listed as Threatened and placed on the Endangered and Threatened Species List. With a population of over 4,000, bears were removed from the protected list in 2012.


Florida black bears are athletic – they run up to 35 mph, climb 100 feet up a tree in 30 seconds and are active swimmers. Black bears travel large areas of land to survive. A male’s home range is about 60 square miles, while females have a home range of about 15 miles.


Bears are most active at dusk and dawn, and are coming in closer contact with people. Read this month’s Advice from The Old Farmer’s Almanac on page 2 of SECO News to learn how to spot the signs of bear activity close to your home.


Fun Faun Fact: Florida black bears have a remarkable sense of smell. They can detect scents up to a mile away.


Source: Florida Wildlife Federation



My Native American Religion


My Native American Religion

“Say what”?

When was the last time you heard/seem me say or write about religion in my native family?



How many Jews today are ruled by their Creator (GD),?

How many Christians today are ruled by their GOD (Jesus Christ)?

How many Native Americans (Indians), are ruled by their/our Creator?


In the Christian Bible as in the torah in ‘Numbers’ the last book ‘’GOD ‘exchanges the first born male child for the Levites Family!

Numbers 3:44 The Levites are not the rulers of the tribes they are the teachers!

As with my ancestors teaching, Creator (GOD), exchanges the Sachem for his own (Shechaim)!

The Shechaim is not the rules he/she is the teacher, sound familiar?

In both cases CREATOR (GD), is and will always be the RULER!

How many Jews today are ruled by their Creator (GD),?

How many Christians today are ruled by their GOD (Jesus Christ)?

How many Native Americans (Indians), are ruled by their/our Creator?

This is sad real sad my friends! 😢😢

As with my special ‘friend/followers’, reading the pages above about the people and the ancestors you could start to understand the facts as told while reading the Torah and proof reading with the bible as in the last book in the ‘TaNaKh’! Numbers!

The Torah, Judaism's most important text, consists of the first five books of the TaNaKh (also known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses), the Hebrew Bible.

Five books including the 613 commandments and the Ten Commandments—also comprise the first five books of the Christian Bible

Numbers 3:44-48 NIV - The LORD also said to Moses, "Take ...


Numbers 3:12

Numbers 3:12 "Behold, I have taken the Levites from among ...


Shechaim | Shechaim's News of the Day (wordpress.com)


Shechaim(2) | Shechaim's News of the Day (wordpress.com)


Mohiigan/ People. | Shechaim's News of the Day (wordpress.com)

Matriarch | Shechaim's News of the Day (wordpress.com)

Patriarchy | Shechaim's News of the Day (wordpress.com)

Shechaim | Shechaim's News of the Day (wordpress.com)

Shechaim(2) | Shechaim's News of the Day (wordpress.com)


Mohiigan (Kiehtan), Maïngan Deity News: Shechaim (mysmudgingblog.blogspot.com)


Mohiigan (Kiehtan), Maïngan Deity News: Creator (mysmudgingblog.blogspot.com)
