
A breath of fresh air

Going to a new powwow.

A first time native gathering is a hard thing to pull off for many.
This group of people have a good start at doing one right!
After leaving the main road with all of the Saturday hustle and bustle onto
the side road to this gathering place one could feel Mother Earth.

Birds of prey were flying everywhere, I did not see an Eagle this day, but I do know that they are around.

We met and enjoyed the company of many native people not seen for several years.
While walking around I did hear them talking because, as with every new gathering there are going to be hiccups along the way and they had a few.

If a powwow wishes to grow with the help of Creator and they should, because that is what any paw-paus, powwow or gathering is about, Thanking Creator from time to time!

I believe that with the help of elders teaching this can be one of the best in the area.
One thing about life on Mother Earth, everything gets old and this includes Native Americans. As elders our ancestors expect us to become teachers.

 As an elder and a Traditional Native American I try to do just that, teach!
We must keep teaching our culture before it is all lost forever.

If a group of native people advertise a planned powwow and in this powwow they plan on having a fire with a fire keeper that smudges that circle, it is not an arena it is a circle. If this group of native people plan on calling Creator down to join them in this circle they should not also invite witches and warlocks into this circle.

If you still want to grow then call it a gathering and then dance in an arena to that god!
If you cannot find a native to be your headman and head woman dancer, pull the fire out and place it out in the west like you would at a Paw-paus, Call it a gathering then native people can be smudged and the keepers of the fire can do their work, call the circle what it is ( an Arena ) and enjoy the week-end.

If you have a question or comment
just click on the comment just below this blog,
Sachem will be pleased to get back to you.

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