
Tobacco companies are suing the government?

This is a trick question right?
Tobacco companies are suing the government?

Five tobacco companies, while fueling tobacco with children hooking drugs, are suing our government because the mandated graphic warning labels are infringing on their rights.
It just might be that the tens of millions of people being unknowingly drugged and hooked on this product also have rights, the right to know what you are doing to their body's and life!

Yes, everyone knows that you will win the court case because of the hundreds of lobbyists you pay and the politicians, Pork/Turkey!

Shame on the Indians in Indian country selling this product to our people.

You know that you are poisoning your people to make money!

My ancestors were simple common sense people.

Their tobacco was grown without chemicals, the ancestors did not need them!

Today our elders know that cigarettes cause cancer, even if they smoke, someone that they know and love has died a horrible death from this cancer.

Please do not insult them by an offering of a cancer causing cigarette.

Will you please use Kinnick~ Kinnick (herbs)?

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