

Many people are coming to my blog looking for an understanding of the word Shechaim or  Sachem and what is a Sagamore?

This site is trying to keep the words of my elders, now ancestors out on the internet for all to see.

However, this must be understood from the beginning, I write about my people and only refer to other tribes as they intermingle with our people.

The warring tribes from the north, now known as Canada, came down with orders from their leader

(The Sagamore), looking for warmer land to hunt, fish and collect wampum for the leader.

They were and are now not of a Matriarch society, they send everything back to their Sagamore, or face stiff punishments!

Penobscot and Narragansett tribes were not New England tribes.

The Penobscot people were not of a Matriarch society and they were not from New England, they came down from what is now Canada to war with the people, this is why the Penobscot people do not call their leader a Shechaim their leader is called Sagamore.

 In the true Eastern Woodland American Native Tribes of past days,

a Sagamore is equal what is now called a 2nd Lieutenant in the army or navy, or chief in New England tribes.

The big difference is, in the army and navy once a 2nd Lieutenant you can and should still be able to climb the ladder, in a Traditional Native American Tribe a chief is in charge of any job asked to be completed by the Shechaim and/or the Head Clan Mother, after the job is completed that person is no longer a chief!

This would also apply to the first and true Narragansett Tribe, a warring tribe from the north and by no means of a Matriarch society!

Their leader is also not called Shechaim, they are Sachems or Sagamore!

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