
To hunt or not to hunt that is the question?

No one, not even native Americans need to hunt any longer!


If you enjoy fishing and hunting just for the sport of it, you will not like this blog posting,


Remember, Creator is watching.

I am writing this today because I am so tired of not being able to walk or drive down a road in Lake county Florida without tripping over a gun happy hunter or their trucks.

Every morning and afternoon trucks with 3 or 4 little cages full of screaming hungry dogs are on the road by the hundreds.

Long gone now are the days when someone can walk into the Ocala forest and forget about your worries and just chill out with Mother Nature, that is if you wish to not be shot by some idiot hoping you are an animal of some kind!

If a person feels that they are poor and cannot buy food and too embarrass to go to the government, or a food bank, let's see about fishing and hunting?

If you fish and catch a fish just to throw it back, you are a very sick, cold, sadistic, person!

That fish will die a slow death!

Hunting and fishing equipment

The first thing better be a license for each season you wish to fish and hunt!

If not my friends and I will be turning you in for the reward!

Hunting rifles from $99.99 to $599.99 and higher.

Scope for your rifle from $99.99 to $3999.99 and more unless you are hunting Squirrels $30 to $40 a scope.

Then you need the gear to hide from and the gear to sit in while waiting for them to show.

Before this you need to buy a good hunting dog to starve so that it will hunt while you sit and wait.

When the seasons change you will need to buy a hunting bow then when the seasons change again a crossbow.

You will need to buy something to get you, your dog and equipment to the hunting area.

Oh yes, let us not forget the rifle ammunition, arrows and crossbow darts for practice, practice, practice and hunting.

So, for between $5000.00 to $10,000.00 you get to hunt and actually get something, maybe?

Fishing is about the same however, you may need a boat?

So, how many time can one go grocery shopping before you spend this kind of money?

You must keep looking over your shoulder because, My people are always around looking for reasons to spoil your fun!

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