
Sign this Petition!

Please sign this petition
The native first people of Indian country believe that they are charged by Creator to care for and protect our wild life, therefore if a person is buying, selling or trading endangered wildlife and calling themselves a native, this is a oxymoron!
Crazy Crow Traders is a very large powerful company so, most people are afraid to criticize their practices.


 If you are wrong in the eyes of your creator (God) you are wrong!
AQUINE (Peace to you)
Welcome to the visitor to some of my teaching websites and blog postings looking for answers to their questions about selling endangered wildlife.
Crazy Crow Trading Post is selling Turtle Shells and Rattlesnake Skins.
We are pleased to be able to teach as much as possible about our traditional ancestors.
As you may or may not see while traveling around the internet, some teaching about our people will not compute with what the elders taught as the truth.
Many times often taught by non native people or not from our tribe!
Please remember that if you have questions about our websites and blogs we can answer you at
sachemwalkingfox at gmail.com
Also please stop by for awhile at our main blog posting.
by my webmaster
Taw-but-ni (Thank-you) for your questions

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