
How many names does a Traditional American Native have?

Because of first contact we sometimes have a few names, ones we use out in the world, known as phony names, and the only one that counts.

Our naming ceremonies are our way to introduce a person to Creator.

If excepted, Creator will name this person, this is why all of our ceremonies are so sacred!

Now that person can speak in prayer to and hear from Creator.

This is also why traditional elders and spiritual leaders get so unset when they hear, "I just came from so and so and he/she gave me my Indian name!

It will take at least two weeks ( should take a lot longer, depends on how long it takes before you learn that you should not try to rush Creator) before a person hears that Creator has given you your tribal name, not because Creator is busy, but because Creator will wait for you to humble yourself enough before the people and yourself to get that name!

First thing before one can get an "INDIAN NAME" (Native American) you must be or have been adopted into our traditional tribe.

A name is deemed so precious that it is only used during ceremonies

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