
How not to get native Americans into your churches

Just another reason to show non natives why it is so hard to get native Americans into your religious churches.

Yesterday someone wrote to tell me that no one could truly except Jesus ( the Christian Jesus)and get into heaven without also a love for religion and belong to a church!

I’m guessing that person has been reading some of my blogs.

This time it was from a well known politician and just happened to be a Catholic.

Native Americans are not blaming that religion, because it would seem that each religion feels the same way?

If you do not belong to their church, you are wrong and condemned forever in some evil place!

This above statement goes against everything that I have found while reading their religious books, this includes their bibles, because each religion seems to have a different bible and or books?

However, in each Christian bible that I have been reading is this same statement.

Jesus said, “I am the way, truth, and life. No one can get to the Father [God] except through me.”


Native Americans and non natives, believe that it is consoling to fellowship, we have gatherings, paw-paus and powwows, you have a building?

However, there is only one Judge for humanity!

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