
The Hopi people are Illiterate!

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Let me explain before you destroy your computer and never come back to my postings, please?

This might be a way to finely get across to non natives why non native people cannot and may never understand Native Americans and the reason why we want nothing to do with Religion, as they preach it to us!

I am reading a book given to me, through the mail, by a person whom I have respected, and still do, for many years.

I enjoy reading book, most of which are about a religious people.

A group of his evangelist showed up on the Hopi nation, the one that our government forced them onto.

While there they discovered as they said "a sizable stash of Hopi Bibles but realized the treasure was of little use, as the tribe was mostly illiterate."

The Hopi people are by no means illiterate, they are in fact extremely intelligent people.

Yes, they may not speak or understand your language and most, like me, do not care.

However, they do know there language better than non Hopi do and I would bet that they are better at understanding each other better than most non Hopi people understand each other, understand?

 I know this to be true because I have been to their nation!

Europeans need to understand that just because we have a problem speaking your words does not make us, stupid, savage or illiterate!

It you wish to share ( understand your religion) with us, you must first let us share ( understand our religion) with you?

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