
I am a retired (Spiritual Elder Teacher)

President Who?
It's that time again.

I am on WordPress, Facebook and Tweeter.
It would seem that some people
do not understand who I am.
I am a retired
(Spiritual Elder Teacher)
my people.
A Matriarch Tribe
While it is true that only
can retire
his workers
(Proud Servant)
I can no longer keep up the pace or transpiration needed
to be active around Mother Earth.
If you are a follower of
your senator from Vermont.
Please do not follow me
ask me to follow you,
I did said PLEASE.
at this time of my life
I am a
"True Blue Democrat!"
The political-party
'of the people
by the people,
for the country
for Mother Earth'.
I did work for
Republican President Eisenhower
(Not old enough to vote)
I voted for a real president in
President John Kennedy.
I voted for a real president in
President Jimmy Carter.
A real president in
President William (Bill) Clinton.
A real president in
President Al Gore.
A real president in
President Barrack Obama.
A real president in
President Hillary R Clinton.
I do not wish to get involved with
roughly, lying, loud, foul-mouth, selfish bullies.
If you voted for and/or are following that
Independent Socialist Senator from Vermont.
The one that is trying to destroy our party
by telling all of those lies
about our real president
(President Hillary Clinton)
The lies That
the one now in the Whitehouse now
is stealing his lies.
Please stop asking me
to follow you
and the mob
that follows him.


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