Let us step away
from politics a moment, OK?
I have two subjects
I need to write about if you will bear with me?
Today we talk
‘Spirits’ at least my knowledge about
‘Native American
Spirits’ from in and around my people!
Blood Quota!
A (DNA TEST), cannot
tell Native American Roots
Both of these
questions come from direct Emails
answered in an Email, sometimes allowed
because they are
embarrassing and personal to each person.
The 1st is
Blood Quota of the
‘First People’!
There are only two
groups of people on ‘Mother Earth’ that are telling their people,
that they can no
longer call themselves a member of their ‘Tribal- Ancestors’?
The 1st Email from a
person in a tribe,
or was a tribe before first contact and now
almost completely
by this
‘Land of the Free'
'Country of the
And both are in the
United States of America!
This government!
Because government
could find no way to pay their bill
to the first people
without digging into the money they stole from the
'First People', or
to creation 'clone indians'!
(Their pets) ‘Casino
Clone indians,
greedy, selfish, money hungry, and not willing to share
with their 'less
advantaged brothers and sisters!
One can only hope
some of my blood is now running around
in as many as
possible of those
‘Lilly White
Government Officials!
Because I know that
some is in
Their ‘pets’ that
are now condemning our ancestors from living on our Land!
as you my friends
“Native Blood’ (Yes
Mr. Lilly-White),
Native Blood.
I also have ‘Irish
Blood’ of which
I am also very proud of!
Email is from a
British/Narragansett young lady!
As you might also
Because of where the
country of Ireland is,
I am also proud of
any and all blood
traveling around in
this old body from Ireland neighbors.
This government now
needs to know,
I actually have four
(4), ‘Gold Tear Drops
plus a number of
Red Ones
from giving blood,
until my heart doctors said;
No More’!
One can only hope
some of my many ancestors blood
(both native and non-native),
running around in as
many as possible of those
‘Lilly White
Government Officials’
now ruling over and condemning
our ‘non-white
ancestors’ from living on our Land!
tell Native American Roots
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