
Joe Biden said that he wants a woman as a running mate

‘Great idea Joe’!
Please Remember Joe;
Hillary is a female, because of this and only this plus the jealous females in your party, she won the battle but lost the war!
Please remember Hillary Clinton, admit it or not and I pray that you will admit it in public, Hillary was, is and might always be,
the most qualified candidate to run the country, 
someone that we men 
should always strive to equal 
even surpass?
Biden wants a woman to be his running mate.
“The Charge of the Light Brigade”
This country needs a woman to do what women are good at going Joe, cleaning up the mess that Men always do!
it is just as important to challenge your committee as to why a today's female is better at sweeping the trash (Garbage), out of our White house?
Here are some names under consideration

Reuters     by Trevor Hunnicutt and Elizabeth Culliford
April 15, 2020

To my followers, 
remember that in any 'True Traditional Easters Native American Tribe' 
(true traditional eastern native American tribe)!

Every member male or female 
is the teacher, guidance councilor and protector of any member, 
female of male, from Birth to Crossing!
"Hillary Clinton would make a great Shechaim of my people"!
But Joe, 
She lost the war,
 because this country's rebels, 
(Civil war junkies'), 
do not want a female over them!
(Stupid is as stupid was)!

Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan

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