I was warned
that if I were a smart person I would leave this question alone.
Of course I am
not a very smart person and have never left a question alone.
I also realize
that this is a never ending losing battle.
The question
came from a long time friend with an honest heart and question.
My friends
(again no names) football team had a bad year and was complementing me on my
team, the Florida State football team.
As an old
football player I enjoy watching most football games.
As a
traditional native American teacher I just cannot get over some team MASCOT'S!
I have been to
this school's gathering a number of times and follow the team players.
I know that
they are good kind people (maybe not so kind to me after this posting).
people like their mascot are a big reason why hundreds of thousands of natives
around the world do not even know that they are native and thousands of others
can also never feel their ancestors speaking to them, because we allow some
jokers in many of our schools to fall into our governments traps of making us
all look like fools!
Yes, it is
true that this guys grandfather (Assinyeola) an English, Scotsmen with Creek ancestry was, for a time, a hero to the
Seminole people of Florida (the intruders to Florida by the way) and every time
his grandson goes out and makes a fool out of himself and the ancestors, I'm
betting that he is turning over in his grave.
I have been
out on the powwow trail for ten years now while in the area with a descendent
to the royal family of the Creek nation.
He and I have
smoke the pipe at many sacred fires, he is extremely upset to say the least!
John William, Billy Osceola, Powell's grandson dresses up as
any Indian except the Seminole people and races a horse around an arena as if
in a circus, because for those few minutes it is one at every home game!
Alas the worse
is yet to come.
I am a proud
Gator fan that is now ashamed of the school fans because, it would seem that,
because there team lost one game to a good Georgia team the "school
fans" turned their backs on the team and did not support them in the play
Good God, the
team has a new coast with a great game plan give them a brake will you?
They beat
Florida State didn’t they?
They also beat
Mr. Johnny Football!