
This posting is all over Facebook!

No self-respecting Native American should leave this alone.

If you have ever been to Pine ridge you know about the two disgusting European drunk bars just off the Reservation and what they are doing to our brothers and sisters just for money.
You must not walk away from this posting!
This government is not willing to stop these four murdering greedy Whites from destroying so many families or at the very least, allow the natives their right to opening their own bars!

That Nation to Nation thing again?
Before my answer to this would be my question.
Do you know about our missing enzyme (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyruvate_carboxylase) and how this effects us with chemicals?
The drink is to us a chemical.
We, the natives to this country did not need, so did not have this protection, until first contact.
As the Europeans go, the Pilgrims did not party or drink that is just one of the reasons they left Europe!
The Indians? One must assume this photo is speaking about India also do not drink or party as the picture displays.
Native Americans did not know what drink was until way after the Pilgrims arrival to our shores.
When we, the Native Americans do take of the drink, one drink would make us drunk, again this is because of that missing enzyme, not because we are drunks!
Only that foolish wannabe cowboy and wannabe native white person on display in this photo drink in a foolish drunken manner!
If you don't mind I like my butt and will never take it off?

Is Hunting really a Sport

My answer to a kind statement from one of my good Friends.
I do thank-you for your support!
Definition of sport?
Competitive physical activity: an individual or group competitive activity involving physical exertion or skill, governed by rules!
The skill would be sitting on the roof of your truck in the road ( which is against the law by the way) with a very expensive rifle with a scope shooting a deer being chased by your hungry dog, and the rule would be?
Somebody who plays fairly: somebody noted for abiding by the rules in a game or for generally honorable behavior ?
So, then one would guess that it is only a sport if we can also arm the animals with high powered rifles w/scopes, feed and retire the poor hungry dogs and allow the animals to sit on a truck roof and shoot back at you?
As a Traditional Native American loving ALL of Creators creations (this must include you the hunter) one must concede that before Super Store's one needed to hunt (with rules) to feed and clothe your family however, it now cost sometimes 3 times as much just to satisfy ones thirst for killing not feeding or clothing!
I was thinking that after our hunters kill off every Endangered species in the world we could persuade  them into hunting those bad pet owners, the ones that constantly miss treat their pets.
Alas, unfortunately the hunters and the bad pet owners are usually one and the same!
Breanna and I enjoy driving to the Post office a few times a week, it is only 1/2 mile away however, she loves to ride and I need to get away now and again.
I removed our mail box because people are always pulling up to check it out or driving past shooting at it.
Every once in a while we find a hunters dog stuck inside the building.
Guess they follow someone in out of the cold/heat and will not come out.
They have this medal collar locked far too tight around their neck and every rib on their body showing a lack of food, you see these hunters starve the dogs half to death so that they will chase Bambi out of the forest for an easier shot!
I am one of the people that cuts off the collar, feeds the dog and sets them free!


When should a Mascot never be a Mascot?

I was warned that if I were a smart person I would leave this question alone.
Of course I am not a very smart person and have never left a question alone.
I also realize that this is a never ending losing battle.
The question came from a long time friend with an honest heart and question.
My friends (again no names) football team had a bad year and was complementing me on my team, the Florida State football team.
As an old football player I enjoy watching most football games.
As a traditional native American teacher I just cannot get over some team MASCOT'S!
I have been to this school's gathering a number of times and follow the team players.
I know that they are good kind people (maybe not so kind to me after this posting).
However, people like their mascot are a big reason why hundreds of thousands of natives around the world do not even know that they are native and thousands of others can also never feel their ancestors speaking to them, because we allow some jokers in many of our schools to fall into our governments traps of making us all look like fools!
Yes, it is true that this guys grandfather (Assinyeola) an English, Scotsmen with Creek ancestry was, for a time, a hero to the Seminole people of Florida (the intruders to Florida by the way) and every time his grandson goes out and makes a fool out of himself and the ancestors, I'm betting that he is turning over in his grave.
I have been out on the powwow trail for ten years now while in the area with a descendent to the royal family of the Creek nation.
He and I have smoke the pipe at many sacred fires, he is extremely upset to say the least!
John William, Billy Osceola, Powell's grandson dresses up as any Indian except the Seminole people and races a horse around an arena as if in a circus, because for those few minutes it is one at every home game!
Alas the worse is yet to come.
I am a proud Gator fan that is now ashamed of the school fans because, it would seem that, because there team lost one game to a good Georgia team the "school fans" turned their backs on the team and did not support them in the play offs?
Good God, the team has a new coast with a great game plan give them a brake will you?
They beat Florida State didn’t they?
They also beat Mr. Johnny Football!


Why do Native Americans pray to the creator?

Welcome to the visitor from Independence Missouri
To one of my posting looking for
Pictures of Native Americans Praying to Creator
Why do Native Americans pray to the creator?
Thank you for your question.
We pray for many reasons just as most non natives do however, what I believe to be sort of a difference would be that our prayers are always in the form of talking, communication, or discussions as you might while talking to your Grandfather?
All of the time knowing that Creator created, is always listening and loves all creation.
Everyone of our ceremonies, powwows, gatherings and even our Grand Entry are a prayer.
I believe that if you ask any person of the Jewish faith you will receive about the say answer?
If you are praying to receive something it would be wise to make sure that it is something Creator has already promised?
If one is asking a question, have patience, you will get your answer in Creators time.