
Prayer four corners indigenous

Welcome to the cities from California

City Santa Monica  California 

prayer four corners indigenous

City San Francisco  California

Looking for information about our Sacred Ceremony.

Four Corners Prayer Native America.

Please remember that this our ceremony is of my knowledge from my ancestors over on the East Coast of Indian Country.

Ceremonies over on the West Coast may or may not be different?


THE FOUR SACRED CORNERS. (Shehukte Kina Konacya)

Native American prayer to the 4 corners


Want to read a book?

Two men translate, publish Native American prisoner of war letters

Letters translated recently and now in "book form" because of the work of two local men; Dr. Clifford Canku, an enrolled Dakota member of the Sisseton Wahpeton tribe, and Michael Simon, both experts in the Dakota language have translated 50 letters of the 270 prisoner of war in Iowa following the U.S. Dakota War of 1862.

Time to set another record straight!


At the end of the war in 1862, 1,700 Dakota --mostly women and children-- were marched 150 miles to an internment camp at Fort Snelling. Along the way they were attacked by white settlers. Hundreds died at the camp from disease and the harsh winter conditions. Those that survived were taken to a reservation in Crow Creek, S.D. the following spring. At left: Two Dakota women at the Dakota internment camp at Fort Snelling; photo by Joel Emmons Whitney. At right: the Dakota Internment Camp; photo by Benjamin Franklin Upton. (Images courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society)



Mankato, Minn. — The public execution of 38 Dakota Indians by federal authorities in Mankato, Minn., on Friday, December 26, 1862. Approximately 4,000 people came to witness the event. Copied from a sketch by W.H. Childs in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, January 24, 1863, page 285. (Courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society)


Translating Unkas (Uncas)?

Welcome to the City of Brandon  Florida

I am very interested in your use of a translator on my blogs and websites?

Search Engine Google: translate Uncas

I do not know what you were looking for however, if you did not find your answer please ask?

Sachems Travels

Please be advised, this is only a small list of our travels around Indian country so if your state, gathering or powwow is not on the page I apologize however, we only had just so much room.

Welcome to the visitors from

The City  Boston  Massachusetts


The City Johnstown New York

To my travels page of the website Aquai/Aquine

Yes we have been to powwows and gatherings around both areas.

If you are interested in if or when we were around your area please ask?




Florida was born on April 2nd 1513 and turned 500 years old today April 2nd 2013.

However, there might be a little confusion to this statement because the original people living here when Juan Ponce de León landed on the East Coast of the area.

Two years later a town was named Saint Augustine and is now called the country's oldest city. Again a little confusion on the part of the Europeans? Cities (Villages) were on this land long before the Spanish, Dutch, French, English and all of the rest of the Europeans arrived to "Claim this land"! Where are the ordinal people of Florida now?


Hundreds of thousands of Indians already called Florida home when Europeans first arrived in the early 16th century. But it did not take long for the ensuing wars, slave trade and European diseases to nearly wipe out the aboriginal population.