
Thank-you Mother Earth

Thank-you Mother Earth
for your care
we your children

Today is (Earth Day)

Can we at least think of ways to help
 care for our mother,
 Mother Earth?
Soaking up the sun
Look at this photo,
Solar Panels out in a
 (Not used wasteland)
In a circle
With the power in the center to send your electricity to you.
Could this be a take-off of a Native American (Eastern)
Sacred Circle with Creator in the center (Heart) of the circle?
The Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project
Tonopah, Nevada

File this one under

‘Massive industrial sites that become unintentional public art when seen from the right perspective.’

That perspective comes via a single-engine plane flying over the southwestern edge of Nevada, near the town of Tonopah.

This is where the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project harvests the bountiful sunshine in the region, converting and storing it as energy that is distributed to homes through the Nevada Power Company.

The power plant has been operating since September 2015.


Florida did not run out of rain.

It is called

Climate Changing!


Woodbury/Nonnewaug High School

Welcome to our visitor from
Woodbury/Nonnewaug High School

Woodbury, Connecticut
One of our blog postings about our culture.
In this case,

Native American Wedding Ceremony (Traditional)


Do you offer tobacco at a Native American wedding?


A good Traditional Spiritual Leader uses a lot of tobacco

(Kinnick ~ Kinnick).

First thing my long time followers might have notices about this post is that I allowed a picture with the word chief in it.

Something that, for the most part, is Taboo to every Traditionalist.


In this case, this is a school in the area of my ancestors and any Traditionalist Elder can adopt a school and put the students to work.


In our culture a chief is a temporary position and only a chief by appointment
by a
'Head Clan Mother'
or the
 Shechaim (Sachem).

I now charge the Students
 to learn why they now have the right
to be called a chief.

Both of the photos are of my last wedding
to a couple and their parents,
four very dear people of the clan,
before my retirement
our move south for my health.
The second is
Yours Truly


Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis

Welcome to our visitor from

Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana
Tobacco (Herbs) as a Traditional Native American Gift.

We have been too I. U. for a number of gathering and found them to be

a 'milting pot' of tribal gatherings

From the North, South, East and Western Culture.


Remember while visiting
and of course,
 all are always welcome.

We are of tribes
over in the
Northeastern part
of 'Indian Country'.

Therefore, we have our own ceremonies and culture and not necessarily the same as gatherings that you are use to.

We were treated with great respect, as were every 'Royal Member' of other tribes and we always enjoyed those gatherings.


Wilfrid Laurier University

Welcome to our visitor from
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Naming Ceremony Protocol


So sorry that it took so long to get to you.

We had a lot of requests and questions.


We are extremely busy this time of the year

(retired, what's that)?

All that said, we love to hear from you and am pleased to answer.

Remember that we write from the teaching of our ancestors.

We like it when visitors come to any of our teaching posting and websites.

We love it when students from schools and universities come also.
Have you had a chance to check out our
WordPress Gravatar Posting?