
Deaf janitor gets surprise birthday

Deaf janitor gets surprise birthday
 With all of the bad going on for the last 10 years!
Good News is also out there waiting to be reported about?
Kindergartners surprise hearing-impaired custodian by signing ‘Happy Birthday’ song to him
Posted 6:09 am, October 25, 2018
Heartwarming video shows a class of kindergarteners in Tennessee surprising their custodian, who is hearing-impaired, by signing the “Happy Birthday” song.
On Tuesday, Hickerson Elementary posted the emotional moment to Facebook with the caption:
“Our Kindergarten classes learned how to sign Happy Birthday for Mr. James’ birthday today. He was so surprised!”


Welcome Middletown, Connecticut

Welcome Middletown, Connecticut

One of many of our posting about a fictional film written about our cousin, over in the ‘Upper New York Area’.

Someone, I believe it to be a school in Korea
keeps writing looking for information about this film.
This one was for two tribes,
 the Cherokee and the Shawnee tribes?
Last of the Cherokee-Shawnee Indians

 The Mohiigans (Maïngan – Yáw – Wolf-People), 
lived in and around your area.


What is the check off point before you lose your ancestors?

What is the check off point (DNA), before you lose your ancestors?
How much time can pass from ‘Descendants marring’ 
before losing your
 Irish ancestors, French, English, German, Polish, Italian, Russian, Canadian, Spanish?
My ancestors are buried all over New York/New England/Canada/New Jersey, so what happened to them after so many years?
Did the ‘bad Fairy’ steal them, maybe the trickster, powwow, or coyote?
DNA is just another tool 
used by a ‘government’ 
hell bent on not 
‘Honoring their thousands of treaties’!
How many tribes (Government Controlled Indians) sold their ancestors for a casino?
Over 500 treaties were made with American Indian tribes, 
primarily for land cessations, 
but 500 treaties were also broken, 
changed or nullified 
when it served the government’s interests.
Those treaties are just the ones written 
broken for our people west of the Mississippi!
I have written about this over a hundred times since 1982
(The year of my first computer)!
A DNA test cannot tell Native American Roots
Elizabeth Warren releases DNA analysis showing 'strong evidence' of Native American ancestry
By Erica Y King
Oct 15, 2018, 12:24 PM ET
How much blood can Warren’s DNA show before we must all apologize to her publicly?
How much DNA blood 
did her ancestors have to have
 before they called each other family?
Will your president finely keep one of his promises?


Brandeis University

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Waltham, Massachusetts
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