
Welcome Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

 To one of my postings about our corrupt government!
The point, as you, this country, and the world, can see,
is that the Republican Party has been responsible for
the systematic destruction of the United States of America,
by our corrupt government since at least 2003!
Point of fact;

"If you train your dog to feed the chickens.
That dog will feed the chickens,
The Republicans, many of the Democrats,
 and the Independences in congress,
will be silent, until the

(Dog Starts to eat them)!
The Senate Majority Leaders
Mitch McConnell Republican!
2007 to now!
Bill Fist 2003 2007 Republican!
Trent Lott 1996 2003 Republican!
Bob Dole 1985 1996 Republican!
Howard Baker 1981 1985 Republican!
The Speaker of 'The House of Representatives'
Nancy Pelosi 2019 Democrat
 Paul Ryan Republican 2015 to 2019 Republican!
John Boehner Republican 2011 to 2015 Republican!
Howard Baker 1981 1985 Republican!
Bob Dole 1985 1996 Republican!
Trent Lott 1996 2003 Republican!
Bill Fist 2003 2007 Republican!

even 1981!
While silently taking from the Chickens
(The Citizens of the United States of America)!


Kigali, Rwanda

Welcome to the visitor from Kigali, Rwanda
Native American Wedding Ceremony (Traditional)
Even though we are miles apart, if you believe in your Creator, most of our beliefs should be easy to enjoy on your blessed day my friends.
Please give this link a look-see about gifting?
I cannot answer your questions if you do not ask?


Welcome Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Welcome Carlisle, Pennsylvania
 To our main website at
We have been to your area many time in the past before age set in.
I wrote a few posting about those trip
alas, they are all on my first 'Face book site,'
the site that was taken down by 
Mark Zuckerberg,’ 
because I used
my true, first name
and a
wannabe 'indian,
complained because he could not.
without warning 
face book took my site down, 
I lost all of my blog postings!

Many of those posting can never be back.
Sachem Walkingfox offers prayers 
to those who have crossed over 
at the

former Carlisle Indian School cemetery, in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.


Melting pot known as the United States of America.

In America, We All Should Count, BUT DO WE?
Melting pot known as the United States of America.
First came the food source 
(plants, animals), 
then came the hunter/gathers 
(Indian Country/Native American Country), 
then I believe, 
the 'Bully countries'
(one political party systems),
Dutch, Spanish, French, British, and the Euro-American country!
This country is now on the 
'Fast Track, 
 to those bully countries'!
Can you imagine living in a

'One Party System of Government
once again'?
' And knowing that you' are not one of the
(so called élite)?
Think countries like Russia, 
so many countries in Africa?

welcome to their world America because it is coming!
2020 Census: We will be counted

If we don’t get the 2020 Census right, vulnerable communities will lose access to vital resources and representation in government. That means it’s up to our representatives to sufficiently budget for next year’s count -- and make sure a dangerous question on citizenship is kept off of the survey.
Donald Trump and his administration are determined to undermine and politicize the 2020 Census with a dangerous question on citizenship status.