
Spirits, good ones and bad ones?

Stepping away from politics #2
Stepping away from politics #1
I tell you once again my friends,
foolish is far from fact, this is important.
Spirits are real.
One must always remember,
while reading, writing or answering questions about
any subject like for instance
No matter the spirit, good or bad,
the tool and/or person used ‘to deal with that spirit’
It must be used in and as a prayer to your ‘Supreme Being?
Remember that you’re ‘Supreme Being Created Everything’!

This is also answering to an Email;
I do not have permission to use a name or state!

I would say that at least 85% of religions believe in
as well they should.
Native American, Christian and Hebrew base many of their writings because of 'Spirits'!
Because spirits have been around longer then reported time!
Today we talk ‘Spirits’ at least my knowledge about
‘Native American Spirits’ from in and around my people!
Good spirits are usually because of a
‘traumatic experience’
many spirits are lost and just want (need), help crossing.
Bad Spirits on the other hand need help from Creator in removing them from you and yours!
An old post written to help in spotting
Phony people trying to get into your bank account 
using spirits as their pockets opener!
Ghosts, Goblins and Spirits!
Before opening your wallet to anyone
please check with a known elder 
writing on the subject and then, 
if possible, get a 2nd opinion!

Let us step away from politics

Let us step away from politics a moment, OK?
I have two subjects I need to write about if you will bear with me?
Today we talk ‘Spirits’ at least my knowledge about
‘Native American Spirits’ from in and around my people!

Blood Quota!

A (DNA TEST), cannot tell Native American Roots


Both of these questions come from direct Emails 
answered in an Email, sometimes allowed
because they are embarrassing and personal to each person.
The 1st is 
Blood Quota of the ‘First People’!
There are only two groups of people on ‘Mother Earth’ that are telling their people,
that they can no longer call themselves a member of their ‘Tribal- Ancestors’?
The 1st Email from a person in a tribe, 
or was a tribe before first contact and now
almost completely eliminated 
by this
‘Land of the Free'
'Country of the brave’!
And both are in the United States of America!
This government!

Because government could find no way to pay their bill
to the first people without digging into the money they stole from the
'First People', or to creation 'clone indians'!

(Their pets) ‘Casino Indians’!

Clone indians, greedy, selfish, money hungry, and not willing to share
with their 'less advantaged brothers and sisters!
One can only hope that 
some of my blood is now running around
in as many as possible of those
‘Lilly White Government Officials!
Because I know that some is in
Their ‘pets’ that are now condemning our ancestors from living on our Land!
as you my friends know,
“Native Blood’ (Yes Mr. Lilly-White),
Native Blood.
I also have ‘Irish Blood’ of which
 I am also very proud of!
Email is from a British/Narragansett young lady!
As you might also know?
Because of where the country of Ireland is,
I am also proud of any and all blood
traveling around in this old body from Ireland neighbors.
This government now needs to know, 

I actually have four (4), ‘Gold Tear Drops 
plus a number of 

Red Ones
from giving blood, until my heart doctors said;
No More’!
One can only hope that
 some of my many ancestors blood 
 (both native and non-native),
running around in as many as possible of those
‘Lilly White Government Officials’
 now ruling over and condemning
our ‘non-white ancestors’ from living on our Land!

cannot tell Native American Roots



(National Day of Service)?

The year 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr day.
Each year, the MLK holiday is observed on the third Monday
 in January as
 "a day on... not a day off." ?
On April 4th 2020 it will be
52 years since our ancestors lost a brother, 
more than that 
‘Champion of America’! 
(April 4, 1968)!
(National Day of Service)
Observed each year on the third Monday in January as
“a day on, not a day off,” 

MLK Day;
 is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service 
encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities.
The Corporation for National and Community service
 has been charged to lead this effort for the last quarter century.
September 11 National Day of Service
National Day
 I will still protest this as
‘a day on’
as long as
‘Columbus is a day off’!
Columbus murdered thousands of our ancestors
and in-slaved thousands more!
In the U.S., this is the Federal paid holiday schedule.
New Year’s Day,
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., NOT in Florida!
Washington’s Birthday,
Memorial Day,
Independence Day (July 4),
Labor Day,
Columbus Day,
Veterans Day,
Thanksgiving Day, and
Christmas Day.
Now that you know the normal and typical paid holiday schedules in the U.S.,
how does yours compare or how is your outlook 
affected by knowing what other employers offer?


The USA’s annual women's march/Climate Change Equal Rights

"True traditional elders would
 'Never' have the audacity to vote for anyone
hell bent on destroying what our 'ancestors' spent
hundreds of thousands of years building up and protecting"!

A sign at the 2020 Women’s march
"We can't change trump mindset. 
We must out vote it”!
As my followers know, my favorite words
(As My Followers Know)!
“I was born and raised in a 
Traditional Eastern Woodland Native American Tribe”!

“Yes, if you must know,

from traveling around (Native American/Indian Country),

most of my 78 years, I see that there is a 'drastic different'


(There’s the rub)”!

My Heart is smiling again today

while my elders, now ancestors are well pleased!

Florida’s 4th annual women's march/Climate Change Equal Rights
Issues Abound at 4th Women’s March,

‘But It All Ties into

trump ‘Issues Abound at 4th Women’s March,

‘But It All Ties Into trump’!

Marchers at the more than 250 events around the country

 said the administration’s policies

could not be separated from the matters they were protesting.

4th Annual Women’s March & Celebration 

January 18, 2020

"True traditional elders would 'Never' have the audacity to vote for anyone
hell bent on destroying what our 'ancestors' spent
hundreds of thousands of years building up and protecting"!

Love and blessings from Creator to You All

Shechaim Ohjieshan

Elijah Cummings said;

“This is our Watch”!

Whoopi said,

“Don’t get scared, it’s your country, take it back”!


Wigan, England, United Kingdom

Welcome to the visitor from Wigan, England, United Kingdom
To the posts in a blog, about,
The Mohiigans (Maïngan – Yáw – Wolf-People).
The Meaning of the word Aquine?
You might have notices the number of spellings from the many areas around our little village?
this was, is, and will always be, our spelling for your word (Peace),
this was known in and around the New England, New Your, New Jersey, Delaware area
from visitor to my Grandfathers meetings in my 78 soon to be 79 years on Mother Earth.

Because to my ancestors, there was no word for ‘Good by’ ‘Hello’ going coming and so on, 
Peace was used instead.
Remember; all questions will be answered.

Love and blessings from Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan
Elijah Cummings said; “This is our Watch”!
Whoopi said,
“Don’t get scared, it’s your country, take it back”!