
A population forsaken and forgotten

This article is written by a Lakota women, Wambli Sina Win (Eagle Shawl Woman), and it is very good reading as with all of the work, please help in any way that you can, prayer is always welcome however, I would like to point out that every tribe in this country government recognized or not, has people in prisons somewhere and help for them, the jails, prisons and Department of Corrections need help also.
Just because this government does not recognize a person with blood does not mean that that person no longer exists, I have traveled around Indian country and have had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of thousands of people walking the Red Road that do not want this governments permission to be a Native American!

Not all Native Americans, especially Traditional American Natives want a casino, most just want to be left alone to do their thing, like gatherings, powwows and paw~paus. Many want the same thing any country would want.

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just click on the comment just below this blog,
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