
Congratulation to "We the People"!

This is the third or is it the fourth time that the voters needed to push our congressmen and women into a NO vote on this dirty Keystone XL oil pipeline just to stop the Canadians, the Oil companies and politicians from make money at our expense!

Thanks to the internet (Facebook, Twitter, Emails, blog postings, and websites), phones, television and radio we the people are now able to come together as one voice, letting our congress know that we will stand for no more.

Congress needs to be elected into office to work for us, not getting into office by buying their way in to be paid by lobbies!

My senator would have voted Yes on the pipeline, if it was placed alongside of an old pipe line.

I say," if this oil is not so dirty and should be allowed through our land, why not pump it through that old existing pipeline?"

I also say "Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Bill Nelson, and house members, you work for We the people, not they the lobbies!"

As you vote your pocket books please remember, We the people will be voting our choice for congress come November!

If congress wish to vote for something constructive for this our country, vote to eliminate lobbyist!

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