
How much tobacco is enough to gift an elder?

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Spanaway Washington

Looking for information on how much tobacco to gift elders?

This subject has been covered many times by many people however, it is also one of the extremely important questions for we, the teachers of our culture, to get right while answering.

First! I will never tier of that statement, gifting tobacco has no chemicals in it, if you wish to give someone a cigarette, just do it without using our culture as an excuse!

Cigarettes are poison!

If you are gifting because you wish permission to speak to this elder, the amount is not as important as the correct way to gift.

If you are gifting because you know that that elder is getting low or it is a friendship gift, give as much as you feel it enough.

Remember that the gift is Kinnick~Kinnick.

How to gift?

Walk up until you get sight attention, stop, show a form of respect, when you know you have permission and with tobacco in your left hand, offer your gift to the elders left hand, stop and wait for that elder to receive your gift, speak your peace when asked, back a few steps, show respect and continue on your way unless asked to join this elder.

The main reason for any of this is for your heart to be in a (Aquine mood) remember that someday you will be this elder!

Creator is watching.

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