
What is the protocol of smudging a late person at a pow-wow

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What is the protocol of smudging a late person at a pow wow

Before we get into your question with an answer from people in and around your area, I must correct a few things found in Wikipedia?

According to our ancestors around New York and New England that came to my grandfathers monthly meetings for many years, the person that gave this information to Wikipedia has made a few mistakes?

Their answer?

A pow wow (also powwow, pow-wow or pau wau is a gathering of some of North America's Native people.

The word derives from the Narragansett word powwaw, meaning "spiritual leader".

Our answer!

First, also according to the ancestors, the Narragansett's are a tribe that came down from another country many years ago.

Therefore not a true traditional New England Tribe.

So, the word Pow-wow (Paw-Paus) in tribes around our area, New York/New England, call the Demon Spirit "Pow-wow" not a Spiritual Leader!"


This is why I say in my posting answers, "it depends on the area of a tribe?


The protocol of smudging a late person at a pow-wow is up to the Head Veteran and how late?

A true traditional Head Veteran will smudge you, if you ask, no matter when you wish to be smudged?

"If not the Shechaim Ohjieshan will."

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