
Beyond Mascots and Casinos

Beyond Mascots and Casinos #NativeLivesMatter
By Trace
 This is one of the if not the very best article on Indigenous peoples in Indian and/or Native American Country that I am honored to Re-Blog!
 If I may have your attention for a few moments?
Respecting our ancestors.
As my close friends and followers know, I have spent all of my adult life fighting for the thousands of "NON-RECONIZED" Native Americans all over New England, New York and lately east of the Mississippi whose family members often came to my grandfathers/fathers meetings, many helping to teach me about their way.
 This should also include all of the hemisphere!
Because they are alive, and even if now dead, they are descendents, live in Indian and Native American Country, just as poor as any on Government Reservations and all of them are being shunned by this government, state and federal and even most of their brothers and sisters on those reservations!
Also before we get into the meat of my comment, my close friends and followers know that I gave my word to two of the most important family members, at the time, to first my grandfather (Shechaim Ohjieshan Tallfox) in a ceremony that I would turn my back on Bingo and my father (Shechaim Ohjieshan Zeak) in a ceremony to turn my back on Government controlled Casinos!
 So, this one as with just about every story about our people, the only thing written about is some number of Government Controlled Reservation Indians, in this article, 567 tribes, including 229 Alaska Native communities?
This number cuts at the heart of my friends, myself and Kiehtan our Creator. 
Native Lives Matter!
If President Obama is going to open up the Federal Government to his people, the Hawaiian Natives, why not also the ones that were Native Tribes of this land long before Hawaii became a state in the United States of America!
All Native Lives Matter!
Native Hawaiians, and members of many other Native communities throughout the U.S., have never received federal recognition of their rights as Native peoples.
This deprives them of basic services, and even of the limited rights of self-governance available to other Native communities. Many tribes spend decades wading through Bureau of Indian Affairs paperwork, only to lose their petitions for recognition.
Recently, however, the Obama administration announced that it would be streamlining the federal recognition process, making it easier for unrecognized Indian nations to secure their rights under the law.
This is not a media bash or “poverty porn.” This story reflects how things are… As sovereigns, it’s up to the tribes to decide what to tackle, fix or change. Have a good weekend everyone! XOX
13 Issues Facing Native People Beyond Mascots And Casinos
Most of the recent headlines about indigenous Americans have had to do with a certain D.C. football team, or a surpassingly dumb Adam Sandler movie, or casinos of the kind operated by the fictional Ugaya tribe on “House of Cards.” And we’re not saying these issues don’t matter. But beyond the slot machines, the movie sets and the football fields, there are other problems facing Native communities — insidious, systemic, life-or-death problems; the kinds of problems it takes years and votes and marches to resolve — that aren’t getting nearly as much attention.
 There are 567 tribes, including 229 Alaska Native communities, currently recognized by the federal government. The Bureau of Indian Affairs — the primary federal agency in charge of relations with indigenous communities — is also considering extending federal status to Native Hawaiians.
Only 51 percent of Native Americans in the class of 2010 graduated high school. Native Hawaiians fare better, but still underperform compared to their peers — as best we can tell from the limited data, anyway. In the mid-’00s, about 70 percent of Native Hawaiians attending Hawaiian public schools graduated in four years, as compared to 78 percent of students statewide.
For Native Americans, at least, these disparities are in large part the result of inadequate federal funding, to the point where some schools on Indian reservations are deteriorated and structurally dangerous.
Beyond Mascots and Casinos #NativeLivesMatter

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