
George Mason University

George Mason University

The post that you clicked onto is extremely important
to anyone wishing to learn and respect our ways.

Thank-you for asking your question.


That said.

What's in a word?

Well in many cases (A Lot).

For instance, in a Christian Bible 'Word' is their 'God'.

While talking about our people, you are included in this,

Gatekeeper is a person allowing you to pass into an occult circle.

Not in any of our Traditional ceremonies or in our culture.

In a Traditionalist Sacred Circle, the person standing in the east, if there is someone there, is offering tobacco (Kinnick-Kinnick) to all wishing to ask Kiehtan for a blessing.

In other words, (a little play on words if you well)?

All are welcome.

Welcome to our visitor from George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia
To one of our posting about a traditionalist circle.

Native American Gate keeper?


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