
Christians of today voting for Rick Scott?

“If you tell a big enough lie 
 tell it frequently enough,
 it will be believed.”

Christians of today voting for Trump, Frank White, Bernie Sanders, the Republican party and/or Rick Scott,
 Should be compared to Christians 2,000 years ago voting for Julius Caesar, King Herod of the Jews, the Roman Empire, and the Roman Senate!

Think about it?

Even if you were born yesterday in an egg and still in that egg, you must know about the hundreds of lies from Trump and the same for Rick Scott!
Governor Rick Scott

Is Senator Bill Nelson the only senator that is stealing from Medicare to put to use in the government, or would Senator Marco Rubio and the rest of the senate be stealing also?

Rick Scott’s new ad!

Rick has so many fake ads coming at you, how do you ever keep up?

remembering that this is how Adolf Hitler, President Putin and Trump came to power!

You pay for Medicare your entire career, your parents pay for Medicare for their entire career.

But Washington is letting Medicare crumble!

Bill Nelson voted to cut $716 Billion from Medicare.

Was Bill Nelson crowned ‘pharaoh’ for the day, the day that he and he alone voted?

Nelson and the people in Washington are stealing from Medicare to pay more Government.

Governor, this does not make any sense at all!

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