
Answering a personal question from a reader

I have had this dream since retiring however it now seems to be falling on deaf ears. It is about what I call a universal round table.
Every school in Indian country native and non native needs to hold an after diner round table with the students and the public.
This round table means inviting every religion to this meeting with no holds bar.
Every Religion!
Before retirement I have been invited to many schools for this type of round table meeting. We the religious leaders would make a very short speech just to let everyone know a little about ourselves then sit down and answer questions.
First from the students than the public, then one to one, one question from student, one question from public or religions leader!
Every religious leader is asked the same question, if necessary, until the person asking is satisfied with answers!
I still get invited now and again so I know that there is a lot of interest from our children from kindergarten through college!
Teach the children on their level, when they become adults they will teach their children on their level.
The student, public and so called leaders, soon find out that our, so call differences are not so different after all and plans are made for many more meetings from this new friendship.

He was a chief

The Story of Harold Tantaquidgeon By Virginia Frances Voight
Harold, Gladys, and Ruth Tantaquidgeon were chiefs, a friend, lovers of Mother Earth and its people, so we need to keep them is our hearts.
Harold A. Tantaquidgeon 1952-1970 spent most of his life teaching about Mother Earth and the Mohegan people.
He was a chief!
Gladys Tantaquidgeon (1899-2005) a world traveler and trained well in the collection of herbs and paperwork for her brother Harold by her elders was a good clan mother.
She was a chief.
Ruth Etta Tantaquidgeon 1909-2004) the least know in the family because she was a little shy ( strong women but quiet), she was happiest helping in the background collecting material for her brother's pet project, the museum.
She was a chief!
So, what is a chief among all of the Traditional Matriarch tribes throughout New England?
By no means taking anything away from my friends, elders, and now ancestors, we once again, need to get back to basic known as the truth!
Their (our) first ancestor set the record on what he wanted from his chiefs and no one from that time on has changed nor has the right to change his laws!
Yes, a Chief is a leader of a Plains Indian tribe, we are not plains Indians!
It is also a worker in a traditional tribe from the east coast of Indian country.
Harold was in the service of this country and a good native, he would be the first to agree, do not change our ancestors!

Back to basics
Sachem Uncas did set the rules for his people and at no time did he set up a president, congress man or woman, counselor, cabinet member, or any other name giving out by the Europeans now running most of our so called native tribes.
He had his Head Clan Grandmother, Head Clan Mothers, Head Clan Father, clan mothers, clan fathers War Chief, children and warriors like all native tribes throughout the eastern part of Indian country.


UNA Retire Columbus Day in San Francisco

Boycott every company that closes on Columbus day!
This includes the United States Government.
Another holiday has come and passed, when will this madness stop?
More and more states and companies are learning the history of this savage killer and trading this day for another or just ignoring it altogether.
UNA Retire Columbus Day in San Francisco
This was a self centered, mooching scoundrel back in Europe that was given money to build boats just to rid themselves of him.
He missed India one hundred and eighty degrees backwards and this country, landing on an island instead, They landed on a small island in the present-day Bahamas.
His second trip he once again got lost and ended up in this country instead of that island.
Once he found out how kind, friendly and unprotected from him and his men they were he made them all into mule slaves.
If they did not obey fast enough they died a horrible death, is this a person that deserves a holiday named after him?
Every person in this country that believes that he is worthy of a day names after him needs to reread the history on him!

Parents' outrage after teacher offends Native Americans

Parents' outrage after teacher offends Native Americans by assigning math lesson homework that referred to 'squaw'
OK once again just hold on.
Please remember that different countries have different meaning for the same word, like wise different tribal people have different meanings for the same word.
Yes the first few Europeans invading our land did use this word after they were given a cold shoulder by our women because they did not get what they wanted from our women.
Yes every Native American and non Native American should be up in arms at this “so called school teacher”
The meaning of the word Squaw, like so many of our words has been bastardized through the years by Europeans to demeanor females. "whore"
However, on the other hand, in a Matriarch society, the word is said as a tremendous praise by their men!
There is a Squarw Sachem in my family line, because she was an outstanding leader, wise and without sin and of course a member of the royal line from Sachem Uncas!
The word Squaw or as it should be Squarw has always been a word of praise by a male to a female.
By Daily Mail Reporter
A high school math teacher is under fire for assigning homework that used a derogatory Native American term for women.
Richard Vesbach, who teaches at the Lakeland Union High School in Minocqua, Wisconsin, gave students in his class an assignment that referred to 'squaw' - a sexually charged term that has been deemed offensive in recent years.


Fort Shantok State Park at Uncasvillage

Was a small village under the first Sachem of the Mohegan/Pequot people after the removal of the warring Pequot tribe.
Uncas first used this village (now called a fort) as a place where some of his younger warriors and family could live and keep an eye open for their troubling neighbor Sachem Tatobem then Sassacus and their tribe.
With each battle came many prisoners refusing to return home so Uncas added them to his little lookout village.
Many years later this government use eminent domain to take a large portion of this village for a company called
United Nuclear Corporation Naval Products Division
After the end of the cold war this plant shut down and this polluted land became non useable for many reasons!
The government traded this land to a group of people that signed a piece of paper stating that they, whoever they are, would not pursue Native American land claims, so they became the Mohegan Indian Casino Tribe.

The rest of this information is because after this postings become active their website may disappear just like the hundreds of other native document did not so long ago.

UNC Navel Products Division began fabricating reactor fuel elements in the 1950s for the Navel Nuclear Propulsion Program at the Montville, CT facility. This facility was authorized for the fabrication and inspection of unclad fuel components, encapsulation of the fuel into corrosion-resistant materials, and the assemblage of these into larger components or into reactor cores. In 1990, WNC began performing decontamination and decommissioning activities while concurrently completing work on existing contracts.
United Nuclear Corp. plant in Montville, Conn., as seen Thursday, Oct. 19, 1995. The Mohegan
Indian Tribe built a casino on the site. Trading Cove is at top left of photo.
The United Nuclear Corporation was formed in March 1961 as a joint venture between three existing companies: Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, Mallinckrodt Corporation of America, and Nuclear Development Corporation of America. Initially, Olin became the majority stockholder and Nuclear Development Corporation was absorbed into the new company. It began with 1,400 employees.
Work included research and development, reactor system design, manufacture of nuclear fuel materials, reactor and core fabrications, fuel management, cold scrap processing, isotopes, and hot radiation energy sources.
The UNC Naval facility was operated by Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation (April 1956 to May 31, 1961) and United Nuclear Corporation (June 8, 1961 to April 22, 1976) in New Haven, CT. The site had been used by United Nuclear Corporation to fabricate nuclear fuel components for the U.S. Government, was decommissioned in 1976, and removed from NRC License No. SNM-368 on April 22, 1976. The license was authorized by Atomic Energy Commission to use radioactive materials for manufacturing fuel for the naval reactor program at the site. In 1974, UNC announced the closing of the facility and transferred the inventory from the New Haven, CT location to the Montville, CT location. Subsequently, the SNM-368 license was terminated on June 8, 1994, following the decontamination and decommissioning of the Montville site, and the NRC released the facility for unrestricted use.
UNC decommissioning occurred over a three year period from 1990 - 1993 and the site license was terminated in 1994 with no future site use restrictions. Work was performed using in-house forces and specialized contractors. The facility was able to be decommissioned to a state of unrestricted release and is now being used as a gambling casino.
UNC Locations:
Additional information on the former UNC New Haven facility:
Site Status Summary
The site is located near an industrial redevelopment area and has a large one-story building, which is currently enclosed by a chain link fence.
Construction of the building is mainly concrete floors and block or brick walls. The building is divided into two separate areas, which housed the chemistry laboratories and a component assembly area.
The UNC Naval facility was operated by Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation (April 1956 to May 31, 1961) and United Nuclear Corporation (June 8, 1961 to April 22, 1976) in New Haven, CT. The site had been used by United Nuclear Corporation to fabricate nuclear fuel components for the U.S. Government, was decommissioned in 1976, and removed from NRC License No. SNM-368 on April 22, 1976. The license was authorized by Atomic Energy Commission to use radioactive materials for manufacturing fuel for the naval reactor program at the site. In 1974, UNC announced the closing of the facility and transferred the inventory from the New Haven, CT location to the Montville, CT location. Final surveys of the New Haven facility were completed by February 1976 and the NRC performed confirmatory surveys in March and October, 1976. On April 22, 1976, NRC amended SNM-368 to remove the New Haven, CT facility from the license. The site was released for unrestricted use in accordance with the existing regulations and guidance. Subsequently, the SNM-368 license was terminated on June 8, 1994, following the decontamination and decommissioning of the Montville site, and the NRC released the facility for unrestricted use. In the early 1990's, the NRC initiated a program to ensure that licenses for facilities where activities were authorized by the AEC and/or the NRC were terminated in accordance with the NRC's current release criteria for unrestricted use. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was contracted to perform the review. As part of the ORNL review of Terminated Licenses, NRC conducted an independent measurements inspection in May 1996, and the NRC and ORNL conducted an additional independent measurements inspection on September 1996. Results indicated that residual enriched uranium exceeded 30 pCi/g in soil and sediment in several areas inside the building and inside a connected inactive sewer system. These contaminated areas were documented in NRC Inspection Reports, dated July 1996 and February 1997.
In June 1998, General Electric (GE)(former owner of the UNC Naval site), agreed to characterize and remediate the facility in accordance with Option 1 delineated in the NRC BTP for Disposal or Onsite Storage of Thorium or Uranium Wastes from Past Operations. The licensee submitted a Characterization Plan and Decommissioning Plan (DP) in August 1998, which was approved by the NRC in letter dated April 6, 1999. GE began sampling activities in 2003. Additional documents were submitted to the NRC and were reviewed. On October 10, 2007, the NRC published a Notice of Consideration of Approval and Acceptance of the Decommissioning Plan for the former UNC site in the Federal Register. No comments from members of the public were received. On July 7, 2008, the NRC accepted the Final Status Survey Plan and the Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs) to decommission the site. As of October 1, 2008, the NRC is waiting for GE to submit their decommissioning schedule, complete implementation of the FSSP, and submit their Final Status Survey Report. The radioactive material on-site is not readily available and the dose consequence to the public is very low. After a review of existing contracts, the DOE accepted financial responsibility for the site cleanup. Site radiological activities have to be contracted through a competitive contract process that has caused some delays. GE is not an NRC licensee and is not the current owner of the site and therefore is not required to comply with the Decommissioning Timeliness Rule. However, GE has agreed to undertake the remediation. The State of Connecticut and the City of New Haven have some interest in the site, as it is part of a redevelopment area. Recently, a member of the public has become the site owner and has a vested interest in the property. The sewer authority has cooperated with NRC and UNC in collection of sewer samples. UNC will need to obtain an access agreement with the City of New Haven before additional remediation work can be completed. On February 25 and March 10, 2009, the NRC re-established contact with GE Corporate. GE Corporate informed the NRC that they were in the process of securing the services of a new remediation contractor and hope to complete decommissioning of the site in the summer or 2009. The scope of the remediation will likely involve: 1) some areas beneath a concrete slab; 2) a trench inside a building; and 3) an abandoned sewer line.