
Happy Holiday or Marry Christmas?

Many of my ancestors were Christians because of  Sachem Ben Uncas and Preacher Samson Occum.
Being born into this bloodline and becoming a Spiritual teacher I have studied many religions.
Now to the meat of this posting.
Happy Holiday or Marry Christmas?
Which is the correct statement?
If you are not a Christian one would guess that it really does not matter?
Personally I enjoy reading the Old & New Testament bible, it is a collection of many books (how many books depends on which Christian religion books you are reading)?
One must admit each book has something in it to appease everyone's appetite for reading a good story, love, hate, war, good guy, bad guy, just to name a few.
Hey, I had to read books like 'Les Miserables' in school and give a book report on them!
If you are a Christian and you are so upset about saying Happy Holidays?
Get back to reading your bible!
Yes, I do believe that Jesus Christ ( Father Sky) was born, I believe that Creator (GOD) did send himself (Son) to teach this world (Mother Earth) how we should be living.
The biggest problem with our thinking is " Father Sky ( the son of your God) was not born on December 25th!!!!!!!!!!!
Want to know when?
Go read your bible.
Do what your god has instructed you to do, pray before, during and after you read!
There are so many things wrong in this world (Mother Earth) one would think that all religious people could fine many other things to fight about?
"There but for the grace of God go I"?
Have Yourself a Merry Christmas and many Happy Holiday's


Remember Creator made you!

I had a real good story to tell the world today!
Alas I cannot tell my story to the world today because there is no world today?
As we in my tribal circle on Mother Earth knew all along.
No one ever living on this earth can tell you when this world will end.
This world and our universe was created by Creator and Creator does not make junk!
Remember Creator made you!


Native American Woman in Europe

Native American woman may have voyaged to Europe with Vikings, according to a new genetic study.
This is by no means new news.
I have posted about this before to help to explain another reason why New England, New York and their surrounding neighbor Native Americans have light skin.
About 80 people living in Iceland possess a genetic variation found mostly in Native Americans, genetic signature likely entered into Icelandic bloodlines around 1000 AD the same time the first Vikings sailed from Iceland to Greenland and on to Canada then down to this country.
Raiders or Traders?
American Indian Sailed to Europe With Vikings?
The Viking people were brutal to countries that attacked them however, I have not found information from my ancestors or history books stating more than visiting traders and as with other countries coming to our shores they sometimes traded for young men and women.

What is the job of a clans mother of a native tribe

Welcome to the visitor from Fryeburg Maine
Thank you for stopping by with a very important question
What is the job of a Clan Mother of a native tribe
As you can see from the following postings I write a lot about your question and for a very good reason.
A clan Mother of a Matriarch Society is much more than a job.
Please keep in mind while reading the above postings that I write about my people from your state to Florida and out to the Mississippi River that are of a Matriarch Society only!
A Head Clan Mother ( because of her royal blood line) is second only to the Sachem of the tribe, her clan mothers follow according to their knowledge then the Sagamores, chiefs and so on.
This is the reason why our 13 Moon Ceremony of NOT a joking matter!
Taw-but-ni (Thank-you) for your question hope that you understand and that the answer was written soft and kind as I planned?



I love talking to students in their schools from Sandbox to College!
The best times about my talking tours was while sitting on the floor with Elementary school children, walking around an auditorium asking and answering questions with young adults in high school and sitting at any roundtable at any and all Universities.
The student government at Arizona State University has voted to change Columbus Day to Indigenous People Day. The Tempe Undergraduate Student Government Senate passed Bill 44 to rename the holiday after contentious debate on campus.
Like it or not America, this Columbus, like all of the rest of our first invaders was a ruthless greedy mass killer no more worthy of a federal day named after him they our latest four mass killers!
If nothing else at the very least Remove that day as one of our holidays before the Fiscal Cliff deadline!