
Josh Elliott hosting a religious round table on Christmas Day?

I am deeply sorry for a posting like this on your holiday however, if the trickster will not rest on a holiday, neither shell I.
This has to be the ultimate in religious hypocrisy!
If you, like me, have been wondering why this country has not been able to bring back programs like the Religious Roundtable, wonder no more.
While we have been lacked in our dedication to improving closeness between indigenous peoples around the world, the trickster is still hard at work blocking our progress.
Just one of many examples.
Josh Elliott hosting a religious round table on Christmas Day?
This person has made it his life's ambition for at least the last two years of belittling Tim Tebow (a strong servant of his Creator) since joining ABC, not sure but more than likely even while on ESPN, until this day, and I am sure from  this day forward.
Why you ask? "because Tim Tebow spends more time on his knee thanking Creator then Josh Elliott spends bashing Tim".
Now he has been placed at hosting a religious roundtable?
One does not have to be religious to be on a roundtable however, wouldn't it be prudent having some kind of religious interest as a host?
One would think that it would be extremely hard controlling disagreements if you have no idea what they are talking about?
Josh Elliott. hosted the Christmas tradition this morning ABC Channel 9 News a round table of religious leaders. AGMA Christmas The Message of Faith.
I am deeply sorry for a posting like this on your holiday however, if the trickster will not rest on a holiday, neither shell I.


A Native Interpretation of Christmas

What do we, the Native Americans, think about Christmas?
I was reading this in my Email from Indian Country last night a Oglala Lakota tribal elders opinion on Christmas, Santa Claus and a Supreme Being.
A Native Interpretation of Christmas
Why not put in my two cents?
That is the reason for “Is there really a Santa Claus?”
This elder spoke from the heart on his opinion and most of his opinion is the feeling form every tribe throughout Indian Country that I have been blessed to visit.
Therein lies the rub.
We, the first people of the America’s, had no knowledge of the beliefs of past countries religions.
The reason why I wrote in a past posting, “If you do not want one of our people gifting a gift, do not gift us”.
We all believe that all of creation is a gift from Creator.
We, the original people of this country are human so, yes we did have wars however, if any person came calling on our tribe that person was treated with the same respect we treat our family.
Holidays were 24/7 365 days a year.
Contrary to Eric Hyde “I’m spiritual, not religious” we are not religious we are Spiritual, we pray every day at least three times, we do not need a building of others around to pray.
Just about all of the traditional tribes believe in Creator and Great Spirit.
Most of them also believe that Creator sent the Great Spirit (the son) to Mother Earth.

Is there really a Santa Claus?

Quick answer "YES".
Is Christmas just a word?
Quick answer "NO".
How to stop Santa Claus, Christmas and your Supreme Being bashing?
No I am not trying to be a Scrooge, Grinch or an Atheist, I am however trying to stop their ruthless assault into our rights as Americans.
We start by doing some homework.
First and most important put your love of your Supreme Being (Jesus Christ, Creator, Father Sky, Great Spirit) where it belongs, back to a day or days closer to the true date of birth from your own bible reading.
One cannot make a lot of money from your breaking bread, praying or celebrating your Supreme Being.
One can only make so much from gifting of a present.
However, mixing them together along with a massive play on our sympathy?
Your bible scripture points to a day around our month of September.
The date was moved some time ago to help big business get more of your money.
I state a fact, "I love Christmas and believe in the persons of Santa Claus".
I also believe in Jesus Christ, we call the Great Spirit or Father Sky.
Santa Claus alias Nicholas bishop of Myra, Alias Sinterklaas is a person or persons of kindness from many countries like Winter Solstice and the jolly Father Christmas.
Yes there are Santa Claus and I for one object the taking of him/her from our youth.
The word Christmas comes from the old Roman Church about a mass to except Christ (Christ-Mass).
The date of December 25th comes from Rome and was a celebration of the Italic god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god.
So, what is wrong with Christmas?
Jesus was not born on December 25th, the true date is sometime in September according to the Scriptures, the Lord never spoke of commemorating his birth but rather commanded us to remember the sacrifice of His suffering and death, which purchased our salvation.

One more thing.
Santa, the cookies are under the tree and the milk in the refrigerator help yourself after you gently place my presents under the tree, we have a very large tree this year?


The beauty of asking questions

I am going to try to answer a statement by anonymous?
I am only answering because I believe that the statement was written while trying to help jar my mind about visiting schools.
Please remember that while following my Grandfather, father and then going to schools as Sachem I have been to schools around a thousand times all around the New York, New England area, many of those times were of course repeat visits.
I cannot resist a challenge of trying to jar my memory and when someone asks a question or in this case makes a helpful statement seems to be the better way?
First ~ Thank you for remembering my visit and your kind words.
Second ~ The photo on your schools circulars sounds like the picture of our original tribal flag?
I did visit a school, I believe, in upper New York ( Sachem Elementary) many years ago, you are showing your age,
Third ~ I always follow my grandfathers tradition while teaching every place that I go.
In your case (Elementary school) I more than likely wore my Black Dungarees, Moccasins made for me by a Mohawk and a Ribbon Shirt made by an adopted elder Blackfoot women from Connecticut/New York.
My grandfather had his Sagamore and/or warriors carry all of the regalia and ceremonial equipment and he, my father and then me, explained the reasons why.
This photos that you are describing is of my Great Grandfathers Tribal Flag!
Your school had the closest picture of this very sacred flag, no photos were allowed so yours was hand painted and worth a few pennies today!
This flag and his Sacred Staff disappeared in 1986 while the family was tending to my father's funeral ceremony and I sure would like to know more about your seeing it?


UNCAS SCHOOL Norwich Connecticut

 A school names after my ancestor the first Sachem of the Mohegan Tribe!
I believe that I now have two more friendly angels on my shoulders helping me to get in touch with countries around Mother Earth (no names at this time until I can get their permission).
Other countries have been coming to my website and blogger looking for information about my people however, ending up on a posting from a school in Uncasvillage (Norwich Connecticut).
This schools principal posted a parcel statement from one of my 1994 website written by her school children on the school website.
This statement, with two photos, stayed on that school website for many years or until the casino Indians came into power in Connecticut?
For many years starting with Sachem Tallfox, then Sachem Zeak and I, would be asked to come to schools around Uncasvillage, we have never turned down a chance to enjoy a day with the children.
Because the website was taken down the information has been polluted. For instance, Sachem Rolling Thunder ( my uncle) was a Sachem of the original traditional Penobscot people from Maine.
"Our people spent a lot of time in and around the land that this school was built on so there are many Sacred places, some still have not been overrun by Euro Americans!
This was the schools website!
"Our school is named after the first Sachem of the Mohegan Indians, Uncas. This is Uncas' story, as told by the present leader of the Storey Clan, Walkingfox. "The Storey Clan is from the Abanaki Algonquin Nation." --Sachem Rolling Thunder. "After Grand Sachem Wopigwooit, who died in 1631, the next Sachem of the Pequot tribe, could have been either Uncas or Sassacus, because of their blood lines. Most of the tribe wanted the leadership to go to Sassacus, and so it did. After many years, many wars, and the loss of many young braves of the nation of the Pequot's, Chief Uncas tried to get Sachem Sassacus to stop the wars and make peace with the white man. Chief Uncas tried to explain to his people, that if they continued on this path of war and destruction, they would soon no longer exist. So, Chief Uncas took all who wanted to go and moved them across the Pequot River, which is now called the Thames, to the Great Falls of the City of Kings, which is now called Norwich, and named the Clan, the Mohegan's. The name Mohegan means Wolf. (Shortly after) this time, Uncas became the Grand Sachem of the Mohegan's." http://www.sachem-uncas.com"