
The Montaukett/Montauk Viable Tribe

I received two letters from factions of one of our tribal relations today.
It would seem that the Montaukett people are getting ready to prove to the state of New York that they are a viable tribe?
Well DAH!
As far as I know they were a viable tribe before Europeans came calling?
I am guessing that because we are related through Sachem Uncas, Preacher Occum and Sachem Cooper plus having many friends, I am expected to help chose their Sachem for the record?
This I will not do however, a few words about our past might help the tribe and state in their approach to reason?
Each member of both faction should by now know that my Grandfather, Father and I have turned our backs on people bowing under to the pressure from the state and federal governments just to get a small piece of land to call a reservation. For a casino on to entice people to gamble away their hard earned money!
Except for the fact that, people cannot remove a Sachem, it is up to the tribe if they want the Island to become a reservation for a casino?
Just about all of the traditional Native Americans Elders from both of your neighboring tribes have been disqualified as Native Americans by casino Indians?
The towns and cities around the casinos are now called casino areas, like this one
Last, each one of us will be answering to our elders and Creator.


Happy Birthday Chief Silver Eagle (Friday December 28th 1985)


Chief Silver Eagle
Also known as

(Chief Silver Eagle Feather) 
a long time friend of our family would have been 100 today.

I will always remember him from his last Paw ~Paus back in 1985, his first day home.

On that day Creator Chose to honor a faithful servant and do so through, of all people, me?

Our Creator has a sense of humor, Creator knows that I loathe being at the forefront of any gathering, so all of my life I end up in the forefront of a social event?

I received my native name at a Chief Eagle Feathers Paw ~Paus age 6, my first time as Head Veteran was in 1965 at a Chief Eagle Feathers Paw ~Paus, the second time in the history of both tribes a Sachem of one tribe became a warrior of the other tribe for a day, was on this day in 1985.

Without going into any parts of a Sacred Ceremony because, you see, this turned into one of them.

It just so happened that I was again the Head Veteran at his gathering (Paw ~Paus) and within seconds of offering tobacco ( as you know by now Kinnick - Kinnick) to invite Creator into the circle, everything in the Grange Hall went quiet and I froze in place.

This was the first time that Chief Eagle Feather was not at the side of a Head Veteran at his gathering handing out and offering tobacco.

Some months earlier he became Wheelchair bound.

I put my tobacco back into my pouch in my Regalia, walked straight through the circle to the Elders seating in the West, performed the Sacred Ceremony, handed my Great Grandfathers Bird of Prey Staff to the Chiefs Head Clan Mother and as soon as she finished her ceremony handing the staff to Chief, I walked back through the East to the back of the line now knowing that I was the one Creator wanted to dance Grand Entry for my friend.

No one including me knew why this happened, that is until we danced Grand Entry passed the Elder Chairs.

As I honored Chief on the way passed the elders I knew, he had a smile from ear to ear and winked to me.

Within seconds after the Paw ~ Paus Creator took my best friend home!

This one is for you Chief Silver Eagle, you are still my very best friend.


Gifts for Native American burial

Welcome to Fraziers Bottom West Virginia to my blogger
Looking for information on gifting.
Gifts for Native American burial
In our tribal nation, gifting any of our ceremonies is the same.
We gift Tobacco (Kinnick, Kinnick) because it comes from Creator as a gift and because of that we use a lot of it.
Native American Funeral okay to give sage and tobacco?
Same goes for gifting an elder, friend, stranger, a Native from other tribes and so on.

Welcome to the visitor from South Africa

Looking into my posting about our Ceremonial pipe.
Native American pipe ceremony
We in this Tribal Clan have been sending our smoke up to Creator for your president for some time now and will continue to do so if it be your wishes?

We pray all is well in your beautiful country?


Casino Indians want to bull dose Arlington National Cemetery?


How many laws are on the books to protect Euro-American Grave Sites?
How many companies are allowed to plow over, on, around and through Euro-American cemeteries?
Wal-Mart’s history of destroying sacred sites
last month, the 1,500-year-old sacred and archaeologically significant site was partially demolished during a taxpayer-funded economic development project, with the excavated dirt to be used as fill for construction of a Sam’s Club, a retail warehouse store owned by Wal-Mart.
National Parks Conservation Association to place the monument among America’s most endangered national parks.
federal laws designed to protect sacred and archaeologically significant sites. They include the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978, the 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, President Clinton’s Executive Order on Indian Sacred Sites, the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
But a fact sheet on sacred sites [pdf] prepared by the Morning Star Institute for the Coalition to Protect Native American Sacred Places during 2002 hearings by the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs points out there are no existing legal protections for certain sacred places — and “none that provide a specific cause of action to defend sacred places against desecration or destruction.”