
'Where Mohegan tribe live'?

Welcome to a visitor from up in north country Quebec Canada
To one of my postings looking for 'where Mohegan tribe live'?
Fort Shantok State Park at Uncasvillage

Funny you should get to this of all the sites about our people?
Makes me want to go spend my money at an old nuclear waste dump!
I hope the you do realize that today my people live all around Connecticut and elsewhere, including your country?
This must include thousands of half breeds!


Can one have cake and eat it too?

An answer to the question of the eradication of the Pequot tribe.
The land of Sachem Uncas in the 1600′s

First you era in your bible thinking, Christ (GOD) can never become extinct, assumed a Jewish body for the purpose of teaching and never a Christian body according to the bible?
Second you are correct with being both Sassacus and Uncas descendent!
Your matriarchal/Mohegan and patriarchal/Pequot ancestors are still intact generically.
Then you must know that in a time soon after first contact the Pequot tribe split into separate Moheganeak tribes?
My information comes from our elders and a lot of footwork while writing a paper about our people while in high school traveling to every library, museum and town hall around the area of our people.
Before we can go forward to an answer to your question we must go backwards and before we go backwards I have a must read book, it could, by the way, make a great movie.
Without Reservation: The Making of America's Most Powerful Indian Tribe and Foxwoods the World's Largest Casino.
Jeff Benedict the Author and his family has lived in the area as long as my family. Mr. Benedict did his homework however, because so many Euro-American people made so many mistakes and would now lose a lot of money plus end up in many lawsuits, nothing will ever be done to correct their mistakes.
That said, as long as they ( Foxwoods) have a casino you are a member!
As long as there is a Mohegan reservation, you are a member!
If not for a death bed prayer (promise) guess who would be running them both?
Now to your statement, to correctly answer we must go back to the beginning of this confusion or at least back to the time when we were all one tribe.
While living in the area of the Great Lakes we were all Moheganeak's.
The people living on the Moheganeak/Pequot/Mohegan land on that side of the river were placed there by our Mohegan ancestors in order to stop land grabbers from settling on the then vacant grounds, vacated after the last war with the English and neighboring tribes, to keep people from stealing the village land, so the last three women living were in fact your Moheganeak/Pequot/Mohegan ancestors?
I knew and visited them often before they became our ancestor.
My mother always called herself a Pequot, I think just to take my father down a few pegs each time he came back from a bar room brawl!
I long ago gave up on talks about our people with my mother, the old respect your elders thing!
All of this information should be on micro chips at the Hartford town hall if interested!


"Teach yourself first, if you do not like the teaching, why should anyone else"?

A True Traditional Native American never has to brag or show off in public.
If, you are in fact a true Native American?
Allow the blessings to come down to you from your Grandfather (Creator) never from Trickster!
Blessings always come down from Creator after a prayer from the heart and never up to Creator!
While we are talking ‘blessings,’ the ‘audacity of humans’ (creations), to assume the power of Creator to bless anything or anyone!
I may be writing so much about this round table that, like politics, you get sick of reading about it?
One major difference, there are many, but the big one is that I am not trying to get into your wallet;
I am trying to get into your native heart.
Blame this posting on our friend John.
I like it when people write to me with questions/statements; it tends to shake off some dust from my memory.
While writing my last reply I was reminded of my first school visit invited at Uncas Elementary in Norwich Connecticut.
NO, I will never forget that day!
"Teach yourself first, if you do not like the teaching, why should anyone else"?
My grandfather gave me one of his old regalia’s a short time before and of course the clan mothers had to do massive amount of cutting and stitching to fit.
I did not like the first visit to a school and could tell that I was losing the children, you see I dressed to the 9's with everything native I could get my hands on, I guess to show, "I am a Native American"!
Well the first thing, everyone in the school knew me;
I had made many visits with my father and grandfather so I'm guessing I must have looked a little foolish?
Second thing, it was July!
Every time I walked around the stage I felt that I might pass out from the heat, Skin Regalia is meant for the winter!
I never allowed to be stuck on a stage again; I want to talk eye to eye.
It is now important to mention at this time that no one in my tribe in modern time ever killed!
This regalia came as a donation from a foolish driver in the middle of the night!
I stopped the visit begged for a few moments and left to change into July street cloths.
Point being, I quickly found that dressing to fit in while at a round table and having your native things around for teaching was the correct way to go, follow the lead of your elders!
Every time I see a "Medicine man" or "Medicine woman" or "Spiritual teacher" in the limelight dressed to the 9's I am reminded of that first day!
A True Traditional Native American never has to brag or show off in public, if you are in fact a true Native American?
Allow the blessings to come down to you from your Grandfather (Creator) never from Trickster!
So many times I watch a "Professional Reporter" interviewing a " Professional Native American" dressed in what they must believe the public wants to see (Hollywood costume) I must giggle!
“Been there done that”!
I wonder if this costume is also worn at work, at play and at each meal also or is it just for show and tell time because that person has doubts.


Native-American or Indian?

I like every name that helpful readers have posted to this website as a Reply.
Each has its place in history however, to end all of this confusion might I suggest one of my own?
What does one do if they happens to be a half breed?
I happen to be Pequot/Mohegan.
My mother Pequot, my father Mohegan.
In a Matriarch society one uses the mother to trace ancestors, my mother was the Matriarch, so I must be a Pequot?
On the other hand, my father and his father's before him were the Chief Sachem of the people.
What do I do, disown my Royal side of the family?
See this is just another way of assimilation by our government and the many wannabe Indian people (natives) in this country.
Remembering why we were first stuck with the name and by whom, would be a way to start finding a way out of this name or names?
Christopher Columbus was, first heading the wrong way, he took the ships 180 degrees backwards to find India and he was a brutal murdering bully, he destroyed everyone and everything in his way to riches.
Why should the decedents of his wrath be stuck with a name from him that no one asked for?
We need to stay with our own names not a non native name?
I am Ohjieshan Walkingfox

Today I am ashamed to be a Native American!

“divide and conquer”
Care for another way to assimilate our people?
Right, like we need another way!
O,K. this may sound political, sorry but, it is a critical Native American posting if you will read on?
If you were not brought up in a traditional home and/or on a reservation and you try to trace your ancestors, you are going to hit a wall (that wall is your ancestor)!
Elizabeth Warren as with 50 to 60 thousands others is a Native American only with weak heritage.
Because she ran a good campaign against a bad incumbent she sparked a major disagreement among the other party, native’s and non native people in Massachusetts and around the world.
I am sad to say that many or our brothers and sisters, while forgetting their past history with the euro Americans, joined in on this witch hurt during the Senate campaign last year.
Sen. Warren is not listed among Native Americans now?
By us allowing this to happen we also built a larger bridge for the rest of the thousands of true native people tracing their ancestors, great job guys!
What is this "if you can't beat them join them"?
Or is it, "will I am a Native American, let the rest fight for themselves"!
I am going with my new friend on WordPress, he said, “divide and conquer”, you are right John.