
Christian Smudging Ceremony

Looking for information about Smudging and Christianity

Christian Smudging Ceremony

To one of my postings on this subject

Is smudging Christian

This question as with the question about our tobacco (Kinnick, Kinnick) will never be put to bed, so to speak, because so many people without the knowledge keep answering with a guess wrong answer!

Smudging, as with tobacco and most of our ceremonies, is nothing more than a prayer, don't get me wrong, prayer is a talk with our Creator and there is nothing better or more important than a talk with Creator.

Stop adding to this because you think!

You think that Creators words are not enough?


Another treaty broken by the Wašíču?

Photo Credit: Prison Photography


After you read the story you may agree that this one although technically is a broken treaty, it is also a two edge sword?

As a Spiritual teacher that has spent years helping native and non natives reentry back into society, I know firsthand about our culture and ceremonies in prisons.


8th Circuit affirms dismissal of suit on Native American inmates' religious rights http://www.omaha.com/article/20130215/NEWS/702159901/1707

Yes, we all agree that they are inmates, yes we all agree that they did something wrong, why else would they be in jail? Leonard Peltier's frame up  come to mind for all natives? :-)

However, other religious inmates get to go to church, eat no meat on Friday, pray and so on?


Mr. Sims there is a big difference between a State Penitentiary and a Community Corrections Centers, not only in the state of Nebraska but throughout this country.

Part of my posting is the inmate writing the complaint.

You are serving a life sentence for first-degree murder? You are in prison where things used in many ceremonies like stones and fire can be used as weapons? Sweat lodge requires a lot of heat (fire) to heat stones. A bird of prey feather like an Eagle Feather for ceremonies are Sacred and only a few are even allowed to handle them. Where would this sacred feather be kept/ A prison cell is no place for a sacred feather and non natives have no right touching them?

Tobacco is another thing altogether. No I believe pipes, cigarettes and cigar cannot be controlled while you are in prison, tobacco (Kinnick, Kinnick) is used as a ceremony tool, so to speak, in prison ceremonies because it will never be used as a drug, for trading of favors or smoked and most of all does not need to be lit for a ceremony.

If it was agreed on then the American Native in prison should get to worship our Creator, maybe some do not know Creator and that helped land them in prison? Getting back to their culture through our ceremonies is just another way of re training and reentry back into civilization and for a better human? AHO

I need more input to speak about this 2005 settlement, prison officials agree to allow traditional ceremonial foods such as fry bread, buffalo, corn and “berry dish”.


Mohawk Teachings

Welcome to the Village of Ravena New York

By looking for information about Mohawk traditional teaching you came to visit my postings, Welcome.

Remember after arriving on my posting that, first, the Mohawk's are my brothers and sisters, blood relations from far back in our heritage, these blogs are about my people, close but no cigar. Next, I do not wish disrespect in any way or try to change another's culture. That said, Creator teaches only one way, Creators way?

To the best of my knowledge from my elders, now ancestors, in my culture Creator is no respecter of persons. In other words Creator loves all creation equally? Mohawk sister "Lily of the Mohawks" was doing a good thing and by doing a good thing may have helped non natives better understand her people however, I believe that one of the reasons for her good work was that she came from the Matriarch side and was doing what all Matriarch's did daily, Creators works. This takes nothing away from her, it should give more meaning of her life and the life of all traditional tribal women?

Pride is the destroyer of the heart.


legitimately Native American

The reason for my past postings on this subject would be because I have been to powwows, gatherings and paw-paus since the 1960′s up and down the east coast and even a few trips out west all the way to California and back.

At no time was I, my father, my grandfather, or anyone else, while on our travels interview for someone’s opinion about our true traditional people over on this side of Indian country?

I am not sure why you both showed up on the posting, I am just saying that if anyone wishes to write about any subject shouldn’t they be covering the whole subject before posting their opinion?

How many people interview for this report have full knowledge about all 5,000 American Native Tribes?

I challenge anyone, stating that this Julia Good Fox, professor of American Indian Studies at Haskell Indian Nations University is all knowing?

Welcome to both visitors from Facebook from Helena Montana


Redondo Beach California

To my postings about the new article from Stephanie Siek

Who’s a Native American? It’s complicated

What makes someone “legitimately” Native American?

Who’s a Native American? It’s complicated

Posted: May 14, 2012 2:19 PM by Stephanie Siek (CNN)

Julia Good Fox, professor of American Indian Studies at Haskell Indian Nations University

This is a free country and if Elizabeth Warren‘s claims Native American ancestry, this is of no business to anyone except Senator Elizabeth Warren, we need to be taking care of our own skeletons before we go looking into others closets.


People who live in glass houses should never throw stones?

Let’s put Senator Elizabeth Warren to bed, so to speak, and work together on correcting what is wrong with this country for a change?


The royal bloodline of Mohegan's

Welcome to the visitor from Lowville New York

Looking for information about the royal bloodline Mohegan


Royal Bloodline Mohegan/Pequot

The last of the Pequot Sachems and the first of the Mohegan Sachems could not have had all these descendants of today? Even King Solomon of the Israelites would have been dead from exhaustion, (King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, 1 Kings 11:3)? He was reported to only have one son? Back in high school in the 1950's while doing a book report I could find NO PEQUOT'S and only 26 MOHEGAN'S while looking all over the New England and neighboring states while interviewing for that book report, it was an assignment given at the beginning of the school year and was part of our English reading finales . Not one of them ever question my family or claimed to be a descendant of either Sachems, or any other Sachem, Chief, or Sagamore, for that matter! It would seem that ever since the casinos, everyone is a descendent of both Sachem Sassacus, the last Sachem of the Pequot's and Sachem Uncas the first Sachem of the Mohegan's?

Someone must have been a descendent to some of those over one hundred warriors, women and children followers of Chief Poquiam (Sachem Uncas)?

Sachem Uncas was known as Chief Poquiam while still a member of the Pequins (Pequot)/ Mohiingan people.

Someone needs to explain to these "Decedents" that it is not necessary to be of royal blood to be a casino Indian?


Somebody had to be a warrior or just a tribal member to be a casino Indian?