

Welcome to the visitor from the City of Cleveland Ohio

To my websites and postings looking for information about our Paw-paus.

I have been to a few powwows in your state and know well about those biting bugs that come out of the lake to feast now and again.

Although the Shawnee people were very much  like my people in days long ago, I have never seen an indication that they did or now do anything like our Paw-paus.

I have been to many of their gatherings and powwow and find them to be traditional. I am also proud to say that I have met many Shawnee and enjoyed every visit.

A little personal note, I would like to see all tribes get back to this traditional type of gathering (Paw-paus) as well as powwow's, it is very refreshing to say the least.

Sachem Tallfox, Sachem Walkingfox

Looking for Sachem's?
Welcome to the visitor from the City of Johnstown  New York

Looking for information about my family.

My grandfather has long passed and I am still very much alive and willing to answer question to the best of my ability, if you did not find what you were looking for on my websites and postings?

Sachem Tallfox

Sachem Walkingfox


How to gift a Chief?

Welcome to the city Waynesville North Carolina

Looking for information on when you visit an Indian Chief is it tradition to give tobacco?

Gifting an elder

To some of my postings

Native American gifting tobacco to an elder?

Tobacco as a gift.

How is tobacco wrapped when presenting to an elder

While traveling around and attending Sundance, Ghost, and other Sacred Dances out west of the Mississippi River, I've noticed that there are times when you may need permission just to get near their chief's and this is OK I just have little knowledge as to when or where because I never had the problem.

Might I suggest that you might play it safe and speak to an elder of that tribe as to the correct procedure.

Gifting a Chief could be a little tricky at times around Indian country so I must once again speak about tribes in and around New England or at least my people.

I do require my chiefs and head clan mothers to pass training on our culture and ceremonies so they use a lot of tobacco while assisting in ceremonies.

People like myself use a lot of tobacco (Kinnick, Kinnick). However, unless I am tied up with a ceremony or in prayer, please come speak with me, my chiefs and  Head Clan Mother at any time, Kinnick, Kinnick is optional.



Uncas (Unkas) family

As I have stated many times before, enough money and you can change history.

Maybe not all of history, just twisted enough so that even you start to look legitimate?

Welcome to the visitor from City El Paso Texas looking for information about the Uncas (Unkas) family.

It gave me an opportunity to once again see the change in history?

For instance, remember that book report that I did back in the 50's about my people?

It would seem now that every town hall and liberty that I visited while doing this high school book report throughout the New England area were mistaken in their knowledge of their history?

My elders misunderstood some of the teaching of their elders and were wrong in some of their teaching because, Unkas was never a Pequot? He and his father were always Mohegan's and they tried several time to over throw the massively superior tribe of Pequot's? It was the Mohegan's not the Pequot's that destroyed every small tribe throughout Connecticut? It was not the English but the Narragansett's that helped Unkas overthrow the Pequot's, I am guessing, because in another website, Unkas took 50 of his warriors to the English and made them help in the overthrow?

The big one is that the royal bloodline ceased to exist for some unknown reason back in the 19th century?

I had a few of those websites to show however, I decided not to stoop to that level because we all must stand before Creator and answer for our actions! However, if you are interested they are now all on the internet?


Mohegan’s oldest sweat lodge

Welcome to the visitor from the City Altmar New York
To my posting on
What is an Eastern Woodland Sweat?
While looking for information about a Mohegan oldest sweat lodge?
According to my elders at our monthly meetings while growing up in Uncasvillage, our first Sweat lodge is the oldest  one built around the New England area, because sweats were not used in the area until after my grandfather's first trip out to a visit with the Plains Indians?
One would think that every Pequot and/or Mohegan person around this area would know and be using it?