
A lie is when one does not tell the truth

A lie is when one
does not tell the truth


As a retired Spiritual Teacher,
trained since birth by my elders
as a Native American that enjoys reading about all religious beliefs,
 I am confused.

I am confused while trying not to become a judge.

Knowingly telling a half-truth is also telling a lie.

A lie is a person not telling the truth.

It does not matter
the religious belief.


The lack thereof.

No matter
the political party.


The lack thereof.

It does not matter
the gender.

A lie is a lie, is a lie.

This family shop together,
I enjoy riding shotgun.

I do not drive UN-less there is an extreme emergency.

I do however; enjoy being shotgun while traveling with the children
(Breanna & Ziek).

We live in Florida
so we never leave Breanna and/or Ziek alone in the car
they do not want to stay home.

I shop the heaver things and what she likes to call,

"The Manly things?"

In addition,
baby sitting in the car while she shops.

I listen to music

(Christian for the most part).


(Christian Lessons).

"Therein lies the Rub!"

Preachers, pastors and priest (The Big three P's),
hate Hillary
as usual with little or no explanation.


They are now idolizing the two presidents
now infesting the Whitehouse!

As stated above,
I do read our politicians and these Christians manual for heaven

(The Bible).

As a retired Spiritual Teacher, trained since birth
by my elders and as a Native American
that enjoys reading about all religious beliefs,
I am confused.

How can a preacher preach the word of God and our Christians that are stating their beliefs of
(The Word of God),
Condemn (Judge),
anyone let alone without proof.

Their Bible states many times that, only their God can Judge!

Place known liars,
women, handicapped people abuser,
many, many other things.
place them
 up on their
Christian Pedestal
worship them?


Connecticut Education Network

Connecticut Education Network
Welcome to the visitor from the Connecticut Education Network
Middletown, Connecticut

Sorry that this old site is still floating around the internet.

It has been a long time since we have been able to write in correct or discontinues this debunked site and even longer since our last visit to your beautiful city.
I have many families' members in your city
maybe even more just across the river.


We have other sites for your reading if you wish to do so.


If you are, or claim to be with Native American Ancestors.

Native Americans protest Trump, pipeline

If you are, or claim to be with Native American Ancestors.

You, if possible, should be with this protest in support of your ancestors, your family, your friends, neighbors and your God (Creator)!

In no time in the history of this country

Since being under the control of the English
Has this country taken land from its citizens?

'With the threat of weapon power'

(Just to hand the land over to a president owned company)!

Until now!

Native Americans protest Trump, pipeline
Mar 06, 2017

Native Americans from around the country are gathering in Washington for four days of protest

against the Trump administration
the Dakota Access pipeline

that will culminate with a Friday march on the White House.
Starting Tuesday,

tribal members and supporters plan to camp each day on the National Mall,

with teepees,

a ceremonial fire,

cultural workshops



On Friday, a 2-mile march is planned to the White House, where a rally is scheduled.

Sioux tribes oppose the $3.8 billion pipeline to move North Dakota oil to Illinois.

Texas-based developer Energy Transfer Partners expects to have oil flowing this month,

after getting the green light for final construction

from the Trump administration

last month.

Sioux tribes are fighting the project in court.


Another Trump Groupie crashes and burns!

Another Trump Groupie crashes and burns!

 Laura Brown,
one of my ancestors,
was not an immigrant.

She and her family proved to be smarter then
all of the
(Red Neck),
Bully Pigs
forcing them into slavery!

 she and her ancestors
were slaves
of the south

The Shaw Mansion is a historic mansion and historic house museum at 11 Blinman Street in New London, Connecticut. Built in 1756, it is a well-preserved example of a wealthy merchant's house, made further notable as the location of the state's naval offices during the American Revolutionary War. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1970. The headquarters and museum of the New London County

 Site of an 'Underground Railroad. Stop over for rest, food, safety and sleep before traveling through Mohiigan land to points north and freedom!
before being
by the north!
To call
Ben Carson
stupid is
an insult to
stupid people!

Ben Carson Calls Slaves 'Immigrants'


He performs surgery
on people!

Ben Carson, newly appointed secretary of Housing and Urban Development, is the latest member of the Trump administration to grossly misinterpret a word's definition. During an address to the department on March 6, Carson seemingly described slaves who were forcibly brought to America as "immigrants."


A promise is a promise so here goes.

To three of my faithful friend/followers
 A promise is a promise so here goes.

My birthday was a complete success minus workable photos.

A Sunrise breakfast on the veranda at the old and historic Lake Inn in Mount Dora

One of only a few places in central Florida where one can get his favorite breakfast that allows pets to join the memories.

Not only that, an immigrant and his family joined us.

One that
(President Steve Bannon)

(The other guy)!
Has not shipped them out of the country yet!

It might be because they have only been in country for three years
they came from Scotland.
I enjoyed reminiscing about my past visits
to his beautiful country,
while in the military.
In addition,
found out the one of his bosses
 worked around the


The second half of the day
was getting back
to our old stomping grounds,

before Hurricane Mathew hit.

We had some old fashion ice cream
a few visits with our friends at
Flagler Beach.

Ziek got his first encounter with the waves on the beach


Breanna acted as the old pro, playing tag with the water.

Breanna does not do beaches
the water very well.

Ziek on the other hand, has to be watched very carefully.

We picked up some
Mexican food
headed back home.
We lost the best
Mexican food in Flagler
to the hurricane,
we pray for their come back!
A little pleasant surprise
for the whole family
was an unsuspected stop
at a red light in front
Daytona Raceway
on opening day.
Six jets flu just over the car and we all howled together like a pack on Wolf at the sound that each plane made while passing overhead!

So I am 76 years young,
 I love eggs over easy,
rye toast,
home fries,
bacon very well done
 a few cups of black coffee.
I am also starting to love
most Mexican food
(cheese enchiladas).
Please don't tell our
 new presidents
The other guy!
they might just
 ship me over
'Trump Wall'!