
Grow up, shut your mouth, and freeze your computer fingers!

Grow up, shut your mouth, and freeze your computer fingers!

Far too many people like you grow up with the habit of shifting your mouth in gear long before your brain wakes!

Grow up young lady and study our history before you start moving your lips!

I have posted about this some 5 times, only because it needs to be said!

Granted, I have “0” use for backstabbing people the likes of Elizabeth Warren, and for sure I do not wish to replace trump for her!

However, right is right and if any family member tells their children that they have ‘The Blood,’ “Believe them” and go after your own (Glass Windows)!

Unless you are a member of the ancestors (Family), or a member of the 'Trinity' (Creator), you need to mind your own business as to who has or who does not have ancestors of the

'First People of this Land!

I am so sick of hearing ', Pretentious, Hypercritical, Bullies, telling 'Euro-Americans'

Who they demand has the right to be of the blood of our ancestors'!

Enough is Enough!
Grow up, shut your moth, freeze your computer fingers!

Only Native Americans can decide whether Elizabeth Warren — or anyone else — is Native American

Senator Elizabeth Warren waves to the crowd after speaking on Feb. 14 at the Congress of American Indians at the Capitol Hilton in Washington.

By Rebecca Nagle   February 23, 2018

Last week, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered a surprise speech to the National Congress of American Indians promising to champion Native American rights, but did not apologize for her contested claims of Cherokee and Delaware heritage.

On this issue, right-wing outlets claim I have “torched” her, and according to the left I am “applauding” her.

I am not interested in praising Warren nor setting her on fire.

I am interested in the truth.

Many people would place Warren’s identity at the center of this controversy, but, as a Cherokee woman, I would place Native identity at the center.

America is having a very public debate about who gets to claim Native identity and heritage and who doesn’t.

And lurking behind that question is one of even greater importance:

 who gets to decide.
Just because you hold a 'Plastic Card' given to you by the 'Conquering Government' for their 'permission' to be called (Indian) and wear 'Conquering Government Cloth' you call (Regalia), does not supersede the words of Creator or our Ancestors!

Elizabeth Warren:

I Never Used My Native American Ancestry Claim, Family Tree to Advance My Career

Posted By Ian Schwartz 

On Date February 15, 2018


Keep your Guns!

Democrats and Republicans ‘Must speak out’
Keep your Guns!

95% of the NRA members want safer gun laws, their 5% ‘Bought and paid for Officials’ do not!

Get off of this faults ‘they want to take your guns', it is an “In your face Lie”

(Fake News)!

I have had a License to drive for 58 years and have never killed anyone or anything with vehicles.

95% of the NRA, have never killed anyone, exception, war!

Democrats and Republicans ‘Must speak out’

Who is to say that if the Democrats steamroll the Republicans and they should, after a 20 year drought!

How do we know if they are or will be bought by the NRA, Millionaires and Billionaires?

Almost all 71 lawmakers who voted against considering the semi-automatic weapon ban

Starting today maybe the ‘Never Again Movement’ with our help if asked should check the background and the platform for anything that might pollute (corrupt), public official’s time in office!

The Battle Cry!

"If you're not with us, you're against us, and you're against saving the lives of innocent children. And we are going to be voting you out

Our ‘Young Adults must be in charge because adults, yours truly, cannot be trusted and are not capable!

Democrats and Republicans ‘Must Speak’ to the (‘Never Again Movement)’!


The “Never Again” movement takes flight

Thu Feb 22, 2018

Ban the sale of all automatic weapon until this country repairs the laws to something honest and workable at saving innocent citizens and not written by the NRA officials that are bought by the Millionaires and Billionaires?

If you are so stupid, police included, that you cannot lock up your weapons, you are to stupid to own weapons.

265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs,



I stand behind, while getting out of the way

Coming from a
Native American
Matriarchal Society,
I stand humbly behind,
while getting out of the way of

our Women,

the LGBTQ people,

all bullied people

I am proud to stand behind our Children and ‘Young Adults’
offer any help, if needed,
that comes to mind
in their quest to learn in safety!

Senator Marco Rubio,
even I a nobody,
can quote the bible,
to anything you say each day.
Point being,
can we walk in his sandals each day?


Let’s be honest my friends?

One FBI Agent screwed the Poop so to speak

Let’s be honest my friends?

We have all been to school at some point in our lives and can still remember how it went with students that some believe are different.
It is called


This by no means lets him off the "Hot Seat"!
He and he alone puller the trigger!

However, I along with at least half the country, police and any law enforcement person
agree that the fault lies with the court system in this country!

Our court system can set the blame on our laws!

We the People must blame the many stupid laws.

Thousands of rich pay their ‘lobbyist

‘Crooked Politicians’

in favor of laws

that fit into the profit margin! 

of the rich

the politicians

of their pockets!

I would be willing to bet dollars to donuts that this 19 year old with all of his family problems, was also bullies often?


Students Fighting Guns Since Adults Won

Students Fighting Guns Since Adults Won't

Julia Kemple started this petition to Representative Fred Upton and 6 others

Adults have failed us. Everyday, we students walk into school with the promise of an education without threat of violence. However, it has become increasingly clear that hallways of schools across America are no longer a guaranteed safe haven. Whether it's an elementary school in small-town Connecticut or a high school in Florida, it's become apparent that school shootings are becoming an expected part of American life. Since 2013, there have been 291 school shootings, with 18 of them happening in 2018 alone. We simply ask how many shootings will it take, how many innocent children have to die, until adults decide we, as our nation's children, are more important than our nation's guns. Therefore, we ask our fellow students to take it upon ourselves to stand up as our adults remain sitting. We demand change.

While most students cannot vote, we are not voiceless to our society. There are about 56 million K through 12 students in the United States. If we mobilize this population -- by signing petitions, contacting lawmakers, and utilizing social media -- we can make our presence felt. Ultimately, our goal is to pressure lawmakers to make comprehensive and responsible gun control policy to keep our schools and society safe. 

It's not a matter of if anymore, it's a matter of when we will be affected.  

Students For Gun Legislation

Someday real soon our children can run to clean up our country. I am pleased to help them live, please also sign?