
Welcome to Birmingham, United Kingdom

Welcome to Birmingham, United Kingdom
Penobscot Indian giver
If you are given something by my people, 
it is you’re to do as you please.
 If you are borrowing something, it is assumed that it would be given back.
As my Cherokee Chief, father in law often said,
I gave that to you
 it is not mine 
it is yours to do as you please. 
Rest in peace Vealis,
Welcome Aboard Vealis Vermillion
If you knew Vealis 
you knew a real honest Cherokee Indian!

A Ship mate, 
a family member, 
and a brother warrior. 
But most of all 
"You were my friend"!


Welcome Rotherham, United Kingdom

Welcome Rotherham, United Kingdom
to one of our postings about
‘Our Royal Family.’
Bright Star or Alice Bright Star
The quickest way to tell the difference between the two Bright Star’s is,
Alice Storey is of the ‘Maïngan people’ and a ‘Head Clan Mother’ (matriarchal society).
The other Bright Star is of a patriarchal society from Canada and then moved down into Maine as a Penobscot.
Thank-you for your visit, please let us know if we can be of any more assistance?


Penobscot Indian giver?

Welcome to Odell New Hampshire

New Hampshire
To the posting to
Bangor Maine
This visit might be from a university?
If so, 
please understand that my only knowledge of the 
‘Ancestors of the Penobscot People of Maine,’
is from the teaching from my uncle (Chief Rolling Thunder).
If you have questions please keep on asking even if the answer might be,
“I do not know, let’s go find out?”
I am truly sorry to find that there is so little about their ancestors!
However my new friend.
Have you ever heard the true story about an Indian-Giver?
This might clear things up a little for you?
Native American custom is, when a gift is given, a gift of similar value was to be given.
If it could not be given, the original gift was expected to be returned.
One truth around Indian Country about the words, "Indian Giver," refers to someone who
gives a present and then wants it back, it is a reference to Native Americans historical past,
and it is very offensive to the Native American culture.
My Ancestors spoke about a lost European traveler who was fed, clothed and cleaned up
and was allowed to borrow a horse from the tribe to complete the trip home, once home,
the traveler was to give the horse back to his escort one of our people, only this
traveler had the escort arrested for stealing his horse and the young warrior was hung for horse stealing.
Each of the hundreds of thousands of tribes at first contact had a story to tell about an Indian giver.
This is one from our people.
As told by my ancestors, a stranger was discovered by one of our hunting parties
and taken back with them to care and help improve his health.
if you are given something by my people, it is you’re to do as you please.
 if you are borrowing something, it is assumed that it would be given back.
The Clan Mothers cleaned his wounds, replaces what was left of his clothing, and gave him food and water.
As soon as he was able, the ancestors sat him on a pony.
‘White man was not stupid,
he knew that the warrior tagging along,
was to help him get safely home and retrieve the pony'!


Mehkar, Maharashtra, India

Welcome for the number of your visits from Mehkar, Maharashtra, India
Glad to have you as a follower.
Mohiigans (Maïngan) News
I write without an apology;
Because of the end time Evil in our land lately!
If you have questions please just ask?
If you don’t mind, 'Mahatma Gandhi' has been my 2nd
most important hero since learning about him in
Junior and high school,
‘World history’
 ‘English classes’
‘book reports’ in the late 1950’s!

Welcome to Morrison, Iowa

Welcome to Morrison, Iowa
It looks like ‘half of the link that you are looking for was left off’?
Please give this link a try
Native American prayer to the 4 corner
I have no idea why, but every once in a while someone tries to take a short cut with my website and blogs?

It could seem that websites and blogs are not operated like 'cell-phones and text Messaging'?
Please remember the distance between your state and Uncasvillage over on the east coast?
Many of the native people in both areas will have different ways our ancestors set up their culture and ceremonies.
That said,
 I am sure that Creator has no problem, if you wish to hold a
Four Corner Ceremony in your area?
(Shehukte Kina Konacya).
(Shehukte Kina Konacya).