
How everyone can have their own Sacred (blessed) Herbs!

Some of our herbs are used in our ceremonies, some are used for healing.
Thank you John for your question (Welcome Home).
This should get the attention of all of those wannabe people selling so called Sacred herb to the unknowing public!
Hundreds of years ago it was necessary to have a Medicine Man, a Medicine Women, a Chief, a Sachem, Clan Mother, Warriors and so on, each had their own job helping the tribe, communication was by drum, smoke signals runners and so on.
In today's fast paced world with computers the world is a much smaller place because of the ease of communication.
Today's medicine people must hide their information because of the thousands of  unscrupulous people that only want to make money off of your lack of knowledge about herbs!
Remember, the only way to know that a Medicine Mans is in fact a Medicine Man is to catch him doing his job, a bragger is just that, a bragger, nothing else!
The work of a Medicine person, as with any other member of a tribe around the world was never a secret to be kept from the rest of the people?
Any native man worth his salt will tell you the same thing "behind every worthy man is a worthy women pushing, pulling, nagging, and teaching him along the correct path!
In other words, a Medicine Man receives his medicine from a Medicine Women, the Medicine Women goes out to find the herb, collects the correct herbs, mixes them correctly and gives them to the Medicine Man, both of them in a ceremony ask Creator for the blessing of the herbs, so to be correctly taught, go to your Medicine Women first!
While it is always a good thing to read books on herbs and all that has been learned about them, trust only your people to teach the ancestors ways.
While on the subject of herbs, Seaweed ( as was discussed in an earlier posting) has been a staple in the mix of herbs all up and down the east coast however, we never mix poisons into a mix as being done by Euro Americans today!
After you collect or buy herbs that you wish to use in your ceremony and only if you have a pure heart, in other words you are not one of those thousands of wannabe's out to get your hands into the public's pockets, all you need to do is find a quiet place out of sight of the public and ask Creator to bless your herbs so that you can use them in your ceremonies!
It is OK to sell herbs, one can NEVER sell Sacred, Blessed, Herbs, just too make more money from the public, Creator is watching!
It is always good to sell and teach herbs to help in healing!

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