How can a nation of God
fearing people annihilate another nation of God (Creator) fearing people?
We have two types of Terrorist in the world!
One that is misreading
the Qur'an and the other is a government that annihilates its people!
From Wounded Knee to
Final annihilation of a race of people!
Who's an Indian? The
Feds Aren't So Sure
Definitions of American
Indian in federal laws and regulations can determine eligibility for health
services, housing assistance and college scholarships.
In its recently
published regulations, the agency defines Indians in the narrowest possible
manner -- members of federally-recognized tribes.
The definition runs
counter to long-standing landmark legislation established by the Indian Health
Care Improvement Act (1976), the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance
Act (1978), and even the existing Federal Tax Code. These Acts define Indians
as members or descendants of recognized tribal members -- a definition used by
the Indian Health Service to determine eligibility for health services.
Our government is
becoming a nation of Canaanites!
The Canaanites: How
Could a Just God Command His People to Destroy an Entire Nation?
Yes, Now I am extremely angry!
Just because a greedy mob of people from another country did not
completely assimilate or exterminate our
people now they want to tell me that if they say so
When the ancestors of the original American people of
New England were being annihilated or assimilated
there was no Dawes Roll, our ancestors had no idea that they would need to
prove to a group of Terrorist Immigrants that came onto their land, that they
are members of the original people!
So now President Obama is only
recognizing people that "he said are of the original land dwellers" .
Federally recognized people
are the ones that sold their people and land claims down the drain for a
plastic card hoping for a casino!
If this other group of people
win this election there will also be no Federal recognized tribes, Medicare,
Medicaid or Social Security!
I do not own that piece of
plastic because, this government had no right to kill my ancestors, take my
land and not pay for it.
I want it back so that I can
charge rent to the Terrorist, Immigrant, land grabbing, freeloaders.