
Who's an Indian? The Feds Aren't So Sure

How can a nation of God fearing people annihilate another nation of God (Creator) fearing people?
We have two types of Terrorist in the world!
One that is misreading the Qur'an and the other is a government that annihilates its people!
From Wounded Knee to Final annihilation of a race of people!
Who's an Indian? The Feds Aren't So Sure
Definitions of American Indian in federal laws and regulations can determine eligibility for health services, housing assistance and college scholarships.
In its recently published regulations, the agency defines Indians in the narrowest possible manner -- members of federally-recognized tribes.
The definition runs counter to long-standing landmark legislation established by the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (1976), the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act (1978), and even the existing Federal Tax Code. These Acts define Indians as members or descendants of recognized tribal members -- a definition used by the Indian Health Service to determine eligibility for health services.
Our government is becoming a nation of Canaanites!
The Canaanites: How Could a Just God Command His People to Destroy an Entire Nation?

Yes, Now I am extremely angry!
Just because a greedy mob of people from another country did not completely assimilate or exterminate  our people now they want to tell me that if they say so

When the ancestors of the original American people of New England were being annihilated or assimilated there was no Dawes Roll, our ancestors had no idea that they would need to prove to a group of Terrorist Immigrants that came onto their land, that they are members of the original people!
So now President Obama is only recognizing people that "he said are of the original land dwellers" .
Federally recognized people are the ones that sold their people and land claims down the drain for a plastic card hoping for a casino!
If this other group of people win this election there will also be no Federal recognized tribes, Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security!
I do not own that piece of plastic because, this government had no right to kill my ancestors, take my land and not pay for it.
I want it back so that I can charge rent to the Terrorist, Immigrant, land grabbing, freeloaders.


The Winnemem tribe, removed from their land to build a dam.

This could happen to you!
Remember this Card Carriers, that the following can happen to you also!
Second Class Native Americans
The Winnemem had previously been a federally recognized tribe but the U.S. government withdrew their recognition.
The Winnemem tribe, removed from their land to build a dam.
Most of their sacred places were permanently flooded.
The ones that are left are on federal government claim land.
The very federal government that did its best to destroy Native Americans and culture is now the legal arbiter of the identity of the descendents of the people it did not quite succeed in exterminating.
President Obama endorsed the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People, but only included federally recognized tribes.
The federal government supplies a great many things directly to individuals, bypassing the tribes, simply for being minorities.
Unless they are second class Native Americans.
Isn’t it time for the federal government to treat everyone the same regardless of race or ethnicity?


Native Americans, please vote

I want to emphasize to all Native Americans, like myself, that it is important to vote for Obama in November, the best choice for the needs of our people. But it’s also important to take an interest in, and vote in, all races. It has taken a long time for us to gain the right to vote and we should cherish it.
We did not get to vote and become U.S. citizens until 1924. Many states continued to prohibit Indians from voting: Arizona and New Mexico did not allow Indians to vote until 1948, and Utah was the last state to grant the right, in 1956. When analyzed, the reasons for the delay all appear discriminatory. Even today, people complain because income from our reservations is not taxable, or because we win court settlements for government mismanagement. Of course, they overlook the fact that virtually every dollar is spent locally, with sales tax being paid.
We are all part of the communities surrounding us, and we need to use our voting rights to make sure that good choices are made for all the officials elected. Your vote counts.
Ruth M. Wapato

As a Native American with African American ancestors and born in a Matriarch society, might I also add Women and African Americans.
Please Vote!
And while voting remember to not go backwards into Republican propaganda living once again!
slaves, as such, never did get the right to vote. But at the close of the Civil War they were all formally freed under the 13th Amendment to the Constitution (Bill of Rights), which abolished slavery in 1865.
Former slaves were then granted the right to vote in 1870, under the 15th Amendment, which decreed that the right to vote could not be denied because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
After the slaves, the 15th amendment of the Constitution ratified in 1870 gave citizens the right to vote regardless of their race or previous condition of servitude.
Women didn't get the right to vote until 1920 when then the 19th amendment guarantee the right of vote to anyone regardless of their gender.


First public service in 300 years

Native American tribe worships in first public service, on their ancestral land at their old church area.  
A group of Praying Indians (Native Americans) united with members of the general public in Massachusetts on Saturday, August 11 2012, to celebrate the historic first public service of the Natick tribe in almost 300 years.
First public meeting not counting the hundreds of gatherings and powwow's and the many times that they drummed around New England.
Sachem with one of the Generations drummer’s, Renato at the Firewomen Gloucester Massachusetts Gathering.

Firewomen ( the Matriarch of her people).

Renato is a true friend to Donna & Walkingfox. These are two of the sites with some of our loving Memories of past trips around Indian Country. You will meet some good people.
Native American tribe worships in first public service in 300 years



Barbara Walters to Anchor HEAVEN: WHERE IS IT? HOW DO WE GET THERE?
Catholic, Jewish, Baptist, Mormon, Buddhist, Evangelical, Atheist, Muslim, Terrorist, The Science "The God Gene".
Once again the news media has shunned the first people of this country, we do not even get to speak on behalf of our Creator and our real home?

The point to my comment on this story is that, every religious organization in Indian country is hell bent on converting my people to their beliefs however, every time they hold a religious round table, with the exception of Connecticut Collage some years ago, the people that they are trying to convince that they have the real GOD are excluded  from their meetings!
Now do you suppose that is?
Well to the news media one would guess that we are still their savages?
As a Spiritual Leader I must once again protest  on behalf of our people, Yes. we are people!
Barbara Walters, explores the meaning of heaven with religious leaders of the major faiths, scientists, people who say they believe in heaven because they have been there, with celebrities who are vocal about their beliefs, and even with terrorists.
Catholic - Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, This life is not what we're made for. We're made for heaven. We're made for the future." Jewish - "The purpose of life is to live a decent life and that you do it for its own sake, not for getting a reward," says Rabbi Neil Gillman. Baptist - Reverend Calvin Butts heaven is "eternal joy and happiness because you are at one with God." Mormon - Elder William R. Walker, "I think there are some people who think we are not Christian, and that's a huge misconception,". Buddhist - His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who says the purpose of life is to be happy and to accomplish that by "warm-heartedness." He says heaven "is [the] best place to further develop the spiritual practice... for Buddhists the final goal is not just to reach there but to become Buddha. [It's] not the end," and he tells Walters that you can come back as an animal: "If someone do very badly... kill or steal... [he] could be born in an animal body." Evangelical - The promise of heaven plays a central role in the lives of Evangelicals, who believe you must be born again. Atheist - "No, heaven doesn't exist, hell doesn't exist. We weren't alive before we were born and we're not going to exist after we die, Ellen Johnson, a former president of the American Atheists. Muslim - Islamic scholar Feisal Abdul Rauf says "the real life is the next life... and based upon how we live this life, it determines where we shall be in the next. Terrorists and Heaven - Jihad Jarrar, a member of the Palestinian group Islamic Jihad, only Muslims will go to heaven and that the reason he chose a martyrdom operation was to spend an eternity in paradise.
The Science of Heaven - Why does faith come easily to some and eludes others? In search of the scientific rationale for heaven, Dr. Dean Hamer, author of The God Gene, and a former geneticist at the National Institutes of Health. Is there really a "God Gene" that affects people's level of spirituality?
Near-Death Experiences - Walters also examines the phenomenon of the near death experience. What happens when you journey to the other side of death and back? Is this a real glimpse of Heaven or is there a scientific explanation for the NDE?
Many scientists and doctors believe that the near-death experience is simply a function of a dying brain. But not according to Deb Foster, who was clinically dead for about four minutes and says she saw Heaven. Deb tells Barbara, "I know what I experienced, and no scientist can deny the near death experience. There is not proof that it doesn't exist. It exists, and I was there." Walters also profiles Colton Burpo, who at four years old says he saw Heaven during emergency surgery. His father, Todd Burpo, a pastor, has written a bestselling book about his son's experience called "Heaven is for Real."
Heaven and Real People - How do you tell children what happens to their loved ones when they die? Who do you see when you arrive in heaven? Walters talks to such people as Maria Shriver, author of a children's book on heaven, and Mitch Albom, author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven, for their take on the afterlife.