
A Freedom of Expression

While this is true and many of our citizens did go to war to protect this right, it is also true that we should never take advantage of this freedom!
Sad to say that that statement is no longer true!
This posting is written for people of the Plains that medal into the East coast people's ceremony's and the East coast people that medal into the plains people's ceremony's!
In this country we have the first amendment, as you can see from the website above! However, most writers worth their weight will tell you and show you proof of what they are writing about.
It is customary to provide links to a source to which they choose to write about!
Then there is this "expert writer writing about every tribe ever to exist in this country"
I cannot mention name's or the many aliases however, he does admit to delusions about his self admittance of Historical Fiction and disabilities.
I guess this gives him and them the right to write whatever he and they wish and you, the reader, to believe everything that he and they are writing about, because after all they are the author (playwright) in charge. 
Someone please help me, I have been looking for many years now for some (any) proof that these writers, from both places, have ever left their computers to check on even one of their articles?
Unfortunately it is still true that at times the pen is still mightier than the sword! Accurate or Fiction!
If you are a Traditional American Native and read about our people you should have no problem pointing a finger or two!
So, is it that they only wish to find a way into your pockets or because they are a nobody with a need to pat themselves on the back?


Tripod is an outsourced junk company!

Like everything else in this world, as soon as their company was sold and outsourced out of the United States their product dropped to junk status!
I would say that about 75% of the people coming to my blogger postings are from people all over the world looking for a way to dumb their tripod sites, both free and paid sites!
This is real sad, because it use to be one of the, if not the top website builder in the world.
Now it is just junk and a bad foreign company's way to make money from advertising!


Traditionalists must be very careful

Eastern Woodland Tobacco is still Herbs (Kinnick-Kinnick)!
While trying to get information across country making ready for another sacred ceremony it became clear just how hard this is getting to be.
The traditionalists must be very careful about what they say, do and write because there are copycat phonies everywhere they go just waiting to pounce on anything that they believe can make a buck off the unknowing public.
For instance, in the early 1980's when someone said " O.K. so you cannot take money, what can you take to thank you for your work in my ceremony"?
The answer was, " A Spiritual Teacher (Leader) can always use Tobacco because a good teacher is always busy and at each meeting, gathering or ceremony they use a lot of tobacco".
So, throughout the 80's and 90's phony native teachers would hand out and except a pack of cigarettes as payment for services.
If you wish to give a cigarette or two to a known smoker, this is between you and that smoker.
If you wish to gift a Spiritual Teacher for any reason, please do not hand over a cancer stick.
Traditionalist do teach many ceremonies like naming, weddings, funerals and adoptions however, as with the cigarettes, copycat phonies jumped on this also.
Now at many gatherings and/or powwows you might hear, " I just got my Indian name" or "I was just adopted by so and so"!
It takes weeks, months and sometimes years for most of these ceremonies when done correctly!
If money or goods of any kind other then herb changed hands, you have been duped by one of these phonies!

Land is owned by our mother, Mother Earth

Native Americans do not own the land
Why Native Americans Really Don't Own United States of America
By Walter Olson
The land is owned by our mother, Mother Earth. How can one own their mother?
That said, a good example of a land claim by a native family against a non native government happened some years ago when a group of people, one found out much later that this group of people were dressed as natives (Plains Indian natives) attacked my homestead in Connecticut and massacred everyone in and around this property, the land stayed unoccupied for some years because the rest of the family fearing that the same thing would happen to them, stayed clear, can you blame them?
This government then took the land by eminent domain and built a garbage to energy plant over the victims graves!
Not only has Indian title been the subject of an extensive legal literature since the very start of the American experiment — much of it written by scholars and reformers highly sympathetic toward Native Americans and their plight — but Indian land claims resurged in the 1970s to become the subject of a substantial volume of litigation in American courts, casting into doubt (at least for a time) the rightful ownership of many millions of acres, until the past few years, when the U.S. Supreme Court finally brought down the curtain on most such claims.
How the Indians Lost Their Land.
Richard Reinsch of Liberty Fund’s Liberty Law Blog draws at some length how Indian casinos came to dot the land, and, on the other, how land claims by American tribes have emerged as a flashpoint for the assertion of human-rights claims against the United States by United Nations agencies.


Justice denied for Native American women

To end violence against
 indigenous women in the US?

The only way to stop this and all violence is to really give American natives back their land or at least part of it, not a controlled corral called reservation.

Make this, their land, into a state of the United States.

End this make believe nation to nation joke 
set them free throughout the land.
Correction link to this one

From this one?

What's the old saying?
There are no Indians in Indiana!

There are no Native Americans east of the Mississippi!
There are a large number of 
‘Native Americans in Indiana’!
There are a larger number 
of ‘Native Americans’ 
East of the Mississippi river!

Can legislation help end violence against indigenous women in the US?


What do you think? How should tribal and US governments solve this problem?

Once again our government is trying to claim that there are no longer indigenous peoples east of the Mississippi?

According to the 2010 US Census, there were approximately 5.2 million Native Americans and Alaska Natives in the United States. 
Of those, 78 per cent live outside of native lands, 
20.5 per cent live on reservations or trust lands, 
and 1.5 per cent live on Alaska Native Village areas.
A very small populations belong to 566 federally recognized tribe.
These tribes maintain
 "a nationhood status and retain inherent powers of self-government", 
often in the form of tribal councils.

Remember casino indians 
do not count as real traditional native Americans.
Most of those Indians are set in place by their controlling government!