
Grandfathers Prayer Rock is always open for business!

Welcome to New York, New York and Schenectady New York.
First thing, as always everything on my websites and Blogger postings are free, hope you use them for teaching and give credit back to my ancestors and Creator, shame on you if you do not!
O.K. I can understand why someone in New York would like to have the image of this Uncas School plaque in Uncasvillage, sort of 

however, why anyone in New York would want the picture of my grandfathers prayer rock?

If you are passing by while traveling Rt# 32 say a prayer or two, the alter is always open. 

Grandfathers Prayer Rock is always open for business!

Schenectady New York
Mohegan Giant Turtle "Grandfather"
This is my Grandfathers
Prayer Alter at Turtle hill
In Uncasvillage,Ct,
with the royal burial grounds
in the background.

New York New York


Looking for sachem walking fox?

Welcome to Ocala Florida
Looking for information on my old website about Walkingfox
Who was sachem walking fox north American Indian?
I of one, can see why you are having a little problem finding information about sachem walking fox (Sachem Walkingfox)
Walkingfox is still very much around, as a matter of fact he is retired and spending some time enjoying life in Florida however, he is not an Indian, he is a North American Native.
Just funning a neighbor with a little trick or treat!
I am Walkingfox
Hope that this helps you in your quest for information?


Feds finalize tribal eagle feather policy

Posted on October 15, 2012 by Bob Berwyn
Before we get into this subject let's talk!
A short quiz!
All Native American's should respect Birds of Prey
~~ True!
Native Americans respect, or should, all of creation!
All Native Americans must have birds of prey feathers on their body and/or Regalia? ~~False!
All Native Americans have Tattoo's!
~~ False!
Again, respect creation, you are a creation of your Creator.
All Native Americans should give a damn about this governments changes to our culture and ceremonies, rather they recognize us or not!
~~ False!
All Native Americans should not give a damn if this government can see anyone us!
This government has no right to our culture or ceremonies, nor do they have the right to make us disappear, even if they cannot see us! We are still here!
Now, that said, at no time did a Traditional Native American throughout the traditional tribes east of the Mississippi river do harm or disrespect to our brother and sisters the bird of prey! We did not need a White government telling us to respect our protectors, the birds of prey?
Eagles, to our people, are our protector however, so are every other Bird of Prey!
~~ True!
So, if you are one of us this government ruling should not apply to you!
Federal officials say that, after consultation with Indian tribes, they’ve clarified a national policy addressing the right of Native Americans to possess or use eagle feathers for cultural and religious expression.
This government NEVER consulted my people, did they talk to you?
The policy covers all federally protected birds, bird feathers and bird parts and should help address tribal concerns and uncertainties about how and when eagle feathers can be transported and used. It will also help provide clarity for wildlife officials responsible for enforcing the protective laws.
“This policy will help ensure a consistent and uniform approach across the nation to protecting and preserving eagles, and to honoring their cultural and spiritual significance to American Indians,” said Attorney General Holder. “The Department of Justice is committed to striking the right balance in enforcing our nation’s wildlife laws by respecting the cultural and religious practices of federally recognized Indian tribes with whom the United States shares a unique government-to-government relationship.”
Federal wildlife laws such as the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act generally criminalize the killing of eagles and other migratory birds and the possession or commercialization of the feathers and other parts of such birds to help ensure that eagle and other bird populations remain healthy and sustainable.
I agree with the letter of the law, Do not kill my brother or sister the bird of prey, I do not agree with this government telling anyone in this country " I do not see you"?


How is tobacco wrapped when presenting to an elder

Welcome to Powell Ohio
Ohio  is the land of the Shawnee people.
Bing.com: how is tobacco wrapped when presenting to an elder
Your question is a good one however, search has taken you to a site that does not answer your question totally.
how is tobacco wrapped when presenting to an elder
As long as it is Herbs such as Kinnick-Kinnick it can be wrapped (Red Cloth) or freely given, not a Cigarette or Cigar!
When walking up to this elder, assuming your elder is a traditionalist, please make sure that this elder knows that you are coming, be respectful, show your herbs in your left hand, ( no need to be over the top, just make sure that the elder knows what you are about to do) then reach out with the tobacco while still in your left hand to the elders left hand.
Explain the purpose for the tobacco.
Once again being respectful back away a few steps and be on your way with the full knowledge that Creator is smiling on you while on your journey!
Red represents your mother, Mother Earth.


Vikings or Christopher Columbus?

A family from the Kings of the Vikings wrote to me a little upset and you can see why, they never heard Viking ancestors to have killed Native Indian tribes.

They landed here before Columbus did and he gets to be celebrated as a hero.

The problem today Is, people have eyes, but do not see.

They have ears, but do not hear.

Have hearts but do not listen to what it is telling them, no matter if it is right or wrong.

Things of the past cannot be corrected, if all people do is turn their heads and ignore.

People know from the signs when the seasons change, but they don’t see the time before them.

If we could try to correct some of the past errors, maybe the future could be a better place.

My Answer

As long as one has the blood of any native American around the New England area they, would more than likely, have the blood of the visiting Vikings.

Two of the elders from my grandfathers clan that were also my teachers are Passamaquoddy tribal members.

As they taught, the Normans and the Vikings were our friends.

They intermarried, helped and learned from our ancestors.


(NO), never at war with our people!

At those round tables I spoke about in the last communication to you and there were many.

I found that everyone was very excited to learn and teach their culture.

I did feel that the more of these round tables the less chance of war, hate, and lack of understanding!

People in the government fear that if they shut down Columbus day all of the Italians would protest with a million man march to shut them out of office.

I tried this as an Independent leader once while in Connecticut many years ago!

If many more of our people would freely write about their past through the eyes of Creator and not as what they can get from it, the world would be much more interested in ours as well as their own ancestors, culture, ceremonies and this countries past.

You have the Royal blood, do you know if you are also a relation to a William W Uncas?

Yes, in the end I expect to see once again that the same people will steal this information, push it out on the unsuspecting public as their own and run with it however, in the end at least it will get out into our schools and so on.